The Cosmic Goddess

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Amy's POV

"So Amy any ideas on the location of the last two circles that are missing? Heresy and Violence?" Amybrine asked as we sat outside on the grass

"Nothing definitive but it seems there is a pattern I've noticed. All of them were in locations respectable to their name. Limbo was outside of time, lust with men, fraud here being a fake leader you get the idea." I told her then we went inside

"Well that won't help. Violence is literally all over Amestris. I mean have you looked outside and Heresy. Well, those two boys are apparently stuck together in a sense"

"So like Limbo and Lust. Two siblings impossible to part?"

"Yeah actually."

Maybe my goddess magic can help. I'm going to activate it but we need the info from Hawkeye and Mustang first.

"What are you thinking of doing?" Amybrine asked me but the way she asked me indicated she was serious

"You'll see" I told her then we arrived

"Amybrine do you by chance know how to draw their symbols?"

"What kind of hellbound princess would I be if I didn't?" She told me which made us both laugh

"Alright. Well, I'll need their symbols drawn on paper. Trust me on this one" I told her then the Elric brothers came in as she finished drawing the symbols then handed them to me

"Ready to see the most powerful side of me AB?"

"Haven't I already seen your elemental guardian form?"

"No. Not that form. I have more magic and a whole lot of it. I hid it for a while but now..." I started then transformed into the Cosmic Wolf side of me. The Goddess that I am

Cosmic Nebula! I command the stars, guide the hellbound heart to seek out that which has been lost

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Cosmic Nebula! I command the stars, guide the hellbound heart to seek out that which has been lost. Lead thee to the final two circles of hell: Violence and Heresy!

 The paper in my hands glowed a brilliant purple which is actually the same colour as the smoke coming out of my eyes

"That which you see can be located by uniting the nine as one" A voice told me.

I thought about what the spell told me.

That which you seek can be located by uniting the nine as one What does that even mean?


"You never asked me before. Simple as that. Anyways if you want to locate and find Violence and Heresy you need to unite the nine as one. Whatever that means" then she drew the other seven symbols


"Amybrine that's it! If we unite the nine symbols into the crest of hell that they are...."

"Combining that with your cosmic powers and my satanic...We can end the hunt and finally revive the nine circles of hell. Then we can help the Elric brothers get their bodies back and stop the war raging over this country once and for all" Amybrine told me then embraced her satanic form

 Then we can help the Elric brothers get their bodies back and stop the war raging over this country once and for all" Amybrine told me then embraced her satanic form

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Cosmic Nebula! (Amy)

Satanic Compass! (Amybrine)

The crest glowed as we poured our location spells into it then a giant light explosion which actually made us look away for a second

When everyone turned back we saw two demons standing there.

"Who dare summon us?" one of them asked which actually made me shiver in fear as Ed and I hid behind a sofa with Mustang and Hawkeye also beside us. Alphonse is just standing there shaking

Amybrine's POV

"Violence and Heresy?" I asked

"Hm? *smells a familiar scent on Amybrine* Why do you have a sent similar to our maker Dante Inferno?" Violence asked me

"My name is Amybrine Morningstar Fire-Heart. Daughter of Aamon and Fierra Inferno. Dante your maker asked me to locate all nine circles of hell to revive them. He misses you all. Treachery and Anger have been with me from the beginning. Now will you join your brothers and sister? Will you complete the nine circles of hell once more?" I explained then they smiled softly at me

"It would be our honor your highness. On one condition" Heresy told me

"Name it" I stated then they gave me their rings

"You be our new master. That is our one condition" Violence explained

"You got it! But don't consider me your master. Consider me a friend" then we returned to my castle

"MOM!" Flarian and Ruby shouted in delight as they ran to hug me

"Oh there's my two fire pups! Guess what you two?" I said to them

"What mom?" Ruby asked

I showed them the nine rings in my hand

"The nine circles of hell are all back together again" I replied

"YOU DID IT!" Flarian told me with a giant hug. Alexia was here as well so she gave me a massive hug

"Congratulations Amybrine. I knew you could do it and I can see they entrusted you with their rings. Welcome home Violence and Heresy" Dante told them as they hugged their siblings

"Amybrine our parents have been talking...and they want to hand the crown to Pyro now. They believe we're ready to become King and Queen of Pyro (heaven and hell)" Blaze told me and my world was full of excitement

"Then we have a coronation to organize if you're ready?" I told him

"I'm ready when you are" so yeah. Time to organize our coronation. But why did Amy hide the fact she is the new Cosmic Goddess from me? Maybe her powers were sealed for a while? Who knows.

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