Greed and Gluttony

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Amy's POV

It's been a few days since I regained my consciousness after everything that happened in heaven. Thank flames all I suffered was a broken left leg.

I was on my way to central to visit Mustang and see how many more circles of hell we've yet to find. Last I check it was 4: Greed, Gluttony, Heresy and Violence.

I am using crutches but in the end I'm flying and I arrived in decent time.

I got to his office and saw the board as I leaned on my crutches with my lower left leg raised with a special belt I custom made to help lift the strain off of me.

It is just those four. AB must be exhausted

Sure enough she was paying NO attention to anyone and examining the key chain with the circles she has found and gained.

"Amybrine don't worry. We will find them and fully revive the guardians of Gehenna" I said to her when I sat down and let my left leg rest out  of the belt

"I hope your right. Greed, Gluttony, Heresy and Violence are all that's missing. I really do hope I succeed in this mission. Not just for Gehenna but for Heaven and Hell. They're all counting on me to fulfill this." Amybrine told me

"I know you'll succeed and I will help you out in whatever way I can." I told her

"Even with your broken leg?"

"Yes. Because Amybrine, you're my best friend and I will ensure you become the Queen of Pyro with all nine circles of hell by your side. I promise" I told her and then adjusted my cloak on my outfit

 I promise" I told her and then adjusted my cloak on my outfit

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(denim mid-thigh shorts on as well)

"Got to hand it to you, that outfit is amazing" Amybrine told me whilst I adjusted the cast.

"Thanks and I think I may have a way to find the circles. We'll need a ginormous map though" I told her

"OMNIPOTENCE! OF COURSE!" Amybrine shouted in delight then we conjured the biggest map of Amestris and Creta that we could

(Amy sings it all)

As I sang two Phoenix feathers landed and we know where they are

I finished the song and the feathers remained and then the roman numerals for 3 and 4 appeared.

"So that's where Greed and Gluttony are located. I would go out myself but in my condition I'll slow us down. Amybrine they will listen to you anyways. I'll stay here and try to find Violence and Heresy" I told her as I hovered in the air

"Alright but for heaven's sake stop flying. When your leg is just hanging that's got to be more painful" Amybrine asked

"It is a bit. But after a while the pain eases. Anyways you better get going. Seems like Greed is near Rush Valley. Winry, Edward and Alphonse are out that way right now. Our mission is nearly over but our journey is far from over. Fenrir took the kids back to Mythalia for their own safety and I told him I will be back in three years and then..." I started

"Then what?"

"My Queen" I added as I sat down then Amybrine hugged me

Then she left.

I sat down reading the files Hawkeye asked me to look over regarding Hughes' Death.

ROSS KILLED HIM!? died before we got Lust and she has the ability to shape shift into anyone. I'm going to go ballistic at her

"Amybrine I know you're on the way to Rush Valley and Dubltih but could you ask Lust to come to my location please?"

"No worries"

Then Lust appeared

"Hey Amy! Something up?" She asked when she sat beside me

"Before we saved you from your father did he order you to kill someone? A military personal by the surname of Hughes?" I asked her as she moved her lilac hair from her face

"Y...yeah. I never anted to but he threatened to kill Limbo She's my little sister and she needed me to stay safe. I had no choice but to follow through with his orders." Lust explained then I hugged her

"Well...maybe I can revive him. My Phoenix powers do specialize in life magic. I mean my freaking title is Amy Grey-Wolf the Phoenix Guardian of Life" I explained

"Then I'll help! It's the least I could do after everything" Lust stated 

"Edward and Alphonse tried to revive their dead mom and you've seen their bodies so how can you revive Hughes?" Mustang asked me then Hawkeye returned

"They tried using alchemy. They have no will over life and death unlike me."

so we drew the Phoenix rune in chalk on the ground and I embraced my true form

so we drew the Phoenix rune in chalk on the ground and I embraced my true form

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(It's that outfit with her Phoenix wings as well as her hair, ears and tail)

I mumbled something in Latin then the rune circle glowed and Hughes stood in front of us again. Then my world grew dizzy. I fell backwards but felt arms catch me

I looked up and saw Anger

"Lust telepathically told me about your leg and what you were doing so don't worry" he told me then helped me stand up and I changed back to normal

"Lust telepathically told me about your leg and what you were doing so don't worry" he told me then helped me stand up and I changed back to normal

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My powers also fixed my leg which is an added bonus.

Amybrine then returned with Greed and Gluttony

"Just Violence and Heresy"

"Then the nine circles of hell are revived" Amybrine added which made us both smile

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