Facing the truth

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Shadow's POV

"Sis are you sure you want to do this?" Amarus asked me as we sat on his bed. The only reason he asked me this is because I'm wanting to confront mom about why she did what she did to me and to my son

"Amarus I have to. I haven't really been coping since the incident and maybe if I face her, I might be able to start really moving on."

"When you say not coping how bad are we talking?"

"Nightmares and pretty horrid ones. Each making me relive the incident. The rape and the physical attacks with whips, swords and anything they could find" His face was horrified so he pulled me into his chest as I began to cry

"Shaya.....why didn't you tell me or Dad? Well...I'm coming with you." Amarus told me

"Ruru you don't have to" I told him

"But I want to. I'm your big brother. I'm coming to help you cope with seeing mom and also..because I want to help you through this." Amarus explained then I looked into his turquoise eyes with my black ones and smiled softly so we went to the dungeons to talk with mom

"Mom?" I said to her when we sat in front of her cell. 

(The only thing separating them is a wall of Damascus steel bars and a Damascus steel door)

"Shadow? Amarus? What are you two doing down here?" Mom asked

Amarus' POV

"Shadow wanted to talk to you and get the truth behind why you did what you did to her. I came along to support her as her older brother" I told our mom

"I'm surprised you even want to see me. I was sure you hated me for ordering the attacks on you. I just wanted to preserve our family name. I was...I was *sigh* I was blind to what you and your father had. Amarus always looked up to me for help and support but you Shadow...you always chose your father after you turned 10...and that did upset me. I told you to follow your heart yeah, but when I heard the news you and Princess Daybreak were getting married it felt like someone had just killed me and put me in a world where my own daughter was just..ignoring me" I don't know if Shadow bought all this but hearing mom say all this, kind of puts it into perspective. We brought this on ourselves in a sense

"Mom....I only chose dad because you kept pushing me away after I chose not to follow your marital demands to me. I knew from an early age that I was lesbian and knew I was wanting to be with a woman. I did not know it would end up being Daybreak but...I'm sorry if I upset you" Shadow told her. By this point we were in the cell with mom.

"And I'm sorry for everything. For hurting you so badly and hurting your son. It was an awful choice...I know you may never forgive me but...I love you Shadow. You and Amarus" Mom told us

"Mom of course I forgive you" Shadow told her


Not going to lie, that caught me off guard! But I understand so Shadow and I hugged our mother then heard voices

"Ruru who's that?" Shadow asked me

"Dad and Hades....they must be coming for mom..." I told my sister

"Wait....I don't want mom to be punished at all. Remember Dad was like this as well but now he supports us...Mom has also just said that she supports us so why should we punish her?" Shadow explained then Dad and Hades saw us

"Shaya? Why are you saving me?" Mom asked

Shadow's POV

"Because even after everything you did to me, you're still my mom" I told her then she hugged me close

"Thank you Shadow. My sweet realm breaker" that has to be the first time she has ever called me that...and like HELL it will be the last. I walked out to dad who honestly was giving me a confused look same to Hades. Amarus just stood to the side leaning on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest

"So you don't want Snowflake to be punished?" Dad asked

"No dad. I don't." Then I explained everything she told me and he was shocked

"Very well. Snowflake?" Hades said to her

"Yes your majesty?" Mom replied then Hades used his fire to destroy mom's chains releasing her

"You're pardoned. And you can have your position in court back" Hades explained then Mom walked out and gave Dad, Amarus and I a big group hug then we all went back upstairs but since I've been having nightmares every night and I'm still recovering, I went to my room. I told mom on the way to the throne room about it so she was fine with me putting off mother and daughter time for a while. At least until my strength returns

Once I got to my room I collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling

Finally my family is all together. Marital and Birthright.

I was smiling again because yeah. My birth family and my new-found purgatory family are all together at last.

"You alright Mom? You look exhausted" Lucifer told me when I saw him come in

Like hell I'm hiding anything from my son so I told him everything

"Whoa. Does mother know all this?"

"I told Daybreak about the nightmares but that was it. And even then I kind of lied as I wanted to get through this on my own. But m mom is back in court with her position. We set her free after she told me everything and I forgave her." I explained

"Why?" Lucifer asked me

"Because even after everything...Snowflake is still my mother. Just like how Helio is my father. Sure they both hated me marrying your mom at the beginning but now they've both accepted everything. Including you being my son my little neko." I explained after I sat up then Lucifer snuggled up to the left side of my chest

"Well..Mother and I are always going to be here for you. Same to Aunt Scythe and Uncle Grim and everyone" Lucifer told me with a big hug.

Daybreak came in as he was saying that but I think she knows what happened

"DB..." I muttered

"Don't worry. Amarus told me everything. I'm sorry I didn't see the signs sooner though" Daybreak told me

"Well I did hide a lot but now...we are all together. Skyfalls and Starlights forever together" I told my wife and son who just engulfed me in a hug.

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