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-Time skip four months later-

Today is a horrible day... Today is the day that has always been marked in red on my calendar... Today, I got to become Eunji's boyfriend, what a tragedy...

I remember everything about today, this afternoon I'll ask her to be my girlfriend and she'll surprisingly accept...

And what is worse, I can't do anything to stop that because Jeongyeon will get hurted and I don't want it to be like that... Lately, I've been feeling weird around her...

-Jeongyeon: Taeryu... Why do you look so stupid with that cringy smile on your face? (chuckles)

 Why do you look so stupid with that cringy smile on your face? (chuckles)

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-Taeho: (blushes) You-
-Jeongyeon: Me?
-Taeho: You... Uh... Bye (giggles)
-Jeongyeon: Where are you going? We need to have breakfast, aren't you coming with us today?
-Taeho: Yes, I... I just gotta go to the toilet a moment... (smiles)

No, no, no! Why is this happening?! My heart is really bouncing because of her... This is bad, I'm an adult, this is not legal... I can't fall in love in this time... I need to go back home soon...

-Jr: Oh, so you are here... What's wrong with you? Jeongyeon is worried...
-Taeho: Nothing... I... I need to go back home soon... (sighs)
-Jr: You mean back to your time?
-Taeho: Yeah...
-Jr: Why? I mean, aren't you having the time of your life here with Jeongyeon?
-Taeho: That's exactly why I must go back home... (refreshes your face with water) I can't let my feelings go further...
-Jr: You are seriously that in love with her? (chuckles)
-Taeho: You don't understand anything kiddo... (sighs) Please, go and let me alone...
-Jr: How am I gonna leave me here looking this pathetic? (smiles) Hey, Taeryu... If you seriously feel like that for her, just tell her...
-Taeho: Huh?
-Jr: I'm planning to confess to Eunji today... (smiles) I think today is the day... I don't know, I have the feeling...
-Taeho: (sighs) Confess to Jeong...
-Jr: Well, it wouldn't be confessing because you already are going out, but you can tell her how you feel, don't be pathetic and be honest (chuckles)

Wait a moment! I have a plan! I think it is seriously gonna be the best for everyone... I am not Jung Taeryu, I'm Jung Taeho, and I don't care if he confesses to Eunji, I'm gonna confess to Jeong.

I'm gonna be Taeho today, if today is the day, then I must do it again... I just gotta change the girl I confess to... I'm sure that it'll be the solution to this problem.

-Taeho: You are right, I gotta tell her (smiles)
-Jr: (smiles) Don't you ever dare to call me idiot when you have been advised by your younger version... (chuckles)
-Taeho: Shut it kid, let's go (smiles) Today is the day...

-Later on that afternoon-

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-Later on that afternoon-

-Jr: Well, I'm gonna meet with Yuta and Eunji, wish me luck (chuckles)
-Taeho: I can't do that, we are the same person and I'm in love with someone else... (smiles)
-Jr: You are right, but just so you know, I'm gonna become Eunji's boyfriend... It is decided!
-Taeho: We'll see... (smiles)

I then observe how she leaves and starts heading to Eunji's house... What an idiot... He'll get her today, but he doesn't know what comes after that.

That's why I'm gonna solve the problem. I've been smart enough to change Jr's phone with mine, so now I'm gonna call Jeongyeon and tell her to meet me... Not Taeryu, but Taeho.

Jeongyeon: Yeah? Taeho?
Taeho: Hey there Jeong, are you free this afternoon or your boyfriend already has your afternoon busy? (chuckles)
Jeongyeon: Taeryu... Well, he didn't tell me anything today, so uhm... I guess that I'm free... Why?
Taeho: Why don't we meet? It's been quite long since we met...
Jeongyeon: Okay, you want a skating afternoon?
Taeho: Yeah sure, I'll he in your house in about... Ten minutes?
Jeongyeon: Sure, okay (smiles)
Taeho: Great, see you now (smiles and hangs up)

I can notice through her voice that she's excited... It's really been quite long since she last met Jung Taeho... She's so cute...

-Time skip until you arrive with Jeongyeon-

-Taeho: Hey there! (waves)
-Jeongyeon: Yo, Jung Taeho (smiles)
-Taeho: What's up? Are you ready? (smiles)
-Jeongyeon: Ready for what?
-Taeho: For me to make you bite the dust in a race, of course... (smirks)
-Jeongyeon: Tch, do you seriously think that you can beat me? Oh please... I'll show you how cool is my back when I'm ahead of you all the time... (chuckles)

-Taeho: What are we waiting for then? Let's go! One

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-Taeho: What are we waiting for then? Let's go! One... Two... Three... Go!

We then get on our skateboards and start the race... If I'm honest, it's been so long since I last rode one of this ones... I'm kinda afraid... I'm not what I used to be...

While we are racing, I suddenly spot an obstacle that I don't think I'll be able to get over... And what I least wanted happen, happens... I fall with the skate... Oh great Jung Taeho!

-Jeongyeon: (stops the skate) Taeho! (worried runs to you) Are you okay?
-Taeho: Ugh damn it... I guess that I lost... How could I fall like that? (sighs)
-Jeongyeon: You look like a beginner... (chuckles) But, are you okay? Your back must hurt, right?
-Taeho: Ah, it's okay...
-Jeongyeon: Really? (pulls your shirt up) You have it all red...
-Taeho: J-Jeong... What are you doing? If my back is red, I can't imagine how's my face right now... (embarrassed)
-Jeongyeon: (looks at your face) Why are you blushing? (chuckles)
-Taeho: My shirt, you are pulling up my shirt... (chuckles) It's embarrassing, but I guess it's okay because it's you...
-Jeongyeon: (blushes) What?
-Taeho: You can do whatever you want to me... (smiles)
-Jeongyeon: What do you mean? (confused)
-Taeho: Just that everything is okay when it comes from the person you like... (caress her cheek)
-Jeongyeon: (blushed) W-W-What?! Taeho don't mess with me! I swear I'll beat your ass if you are-
-Taeho: I'm serious Jeong (smiles and kisses her)

 (caress her cheek) -Jeongyeon: (blushed) W-W-What?! Taeho don't mess with me! I swear I'll beat your ass if you are--Taeho: I'm serious Jeong (smiles and kisses her)

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TO MY YOUNG LOVE- JEONGYEON X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now