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I wake up soon and wait for Jr to finish getting ready... Then, once we had breakfast, we both start heading to school along Minho.

Today is kinda awkward, lately we just argue with each other and forget that we are the same person... But, anyway, he'll understand once I show him that I'm right...

-Minho: Uhm, did something happen?
-Jr: Why do you think so?
-Minho: I don't know... Both of you are weirdly quiet today...
-Taeho: It's really early at morning, what do you expect?
-Minho: Yeah, that's right... But I don't know, we could at least talk about something, this feels really awkward...

-Jr: We don't have anything to talk about, we live under the same roof, so there's nothing new

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-Jr: We don't have anything to talk about, we live under the same roof, so there's nothing new...
-Minho: Fine, fine... I'm sorry for trying to break the ice...

And with that, we continued our silent way to school... Once we arrive, everyone seems to be surprised to see both of us together.

Apparently, the rumor is that Jr cheated on Jeongyeon, and she cheated on me because we were together as well... Agh, what a mess man...

-Taeho: Good morning Jeong, how are you feeling? (smiles)
-Jeongyeon: You just arrived and you are already being nice, huh? (smiles) I guess you are just like that...
-Taeho: Yeah, I guess... (smiles)
-Jeongyeon: How are your blues and so? Does it hurt?
-Taeho: Ah, no... I'm okay, don't worry... (smiles)
-Jeongyeon: Great (smiles) By the way, Taeryu...
-Taeho: Hmm?
-Jeongyeon: I need to talk with you about something really important...
-Taeho: Why does it look like something serious?
-Jeongyeon: Because it is something serious... (sighs) I'll tell you later, okay?
-Taeho: Fine... (smiles)

What does she need to tell me? I hope it isn't too bad... I mean, it is already hard to solve everything just how it is right now... I don't what to expect now... Please, I need good news for once...

-Time skip to the lunch break-

As always, we are on our usual spot about to have lunch... Jeong looks serious, and it's really weird to see her like this... She's always messing around and making everyone laugh, so this is weird...

-Jeongyeon: Taeryu... It's about time until you go abroad again, right?
-Taeho: Yeah, well... First I have to do some stuff here... Why are you mentioning it now? (confused)
-Jeongyeon: I don't want to stay here alone... If I had any reason to stay after what happened with Taeho... That reason is you, Taeryu...
-Taeho: (blushes) W-What?
-Jeongyeon: I know, it's surprising for me to say something like that, but there you go... I'm trying to be as honest as possible... (chuckles)

-Taeho: Yeah, I'm surprised

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-Taeho: Yeah, I'm surprised... But it is really good to hear something like that from time to time... (smiles)
-Jeongyeon: (smiles) Well, so... Since you are gonna leave, I decided that I want to change of school and enroll the girls' one along my other friends... I think it'll be the best for me...
-Taeho: You are gonna change of school?! (surprised)
-Jeongyeon: Yeah, I don't have any reason to continue here... When my friends asked me why wasn't I with them there, I always answered with "Taeho", and now that I could answer with "Taeryu", you are leaving too, so... Yeah, that's my decision (smiles)
-Taeho: I see... There's no changing your mind, right?
-Jeongyeon: Nope, I already decided it... (chuckles) I wanted to say goodbye properly, that's why I'm telling you now... I'm really thankful for meeting you... You are great friend, you've been there for me during my worst times even if we were not too close... (smiles)
-Taeho: Jeong... (smiles) You'll always have me, you can count on me for whatever you need, it's a promise (extends your pinky finger)
-Jeongyeon: It's a promise (smiles and does pinky promise with you)

Damn it... Now I understand everything... When I think about the future, I can't remember when did I lose Jeongyeon...

And now that she's been honest with me, I can understand that she left me the moment that I started going out with Eunji. She probably left the school that time as well...

-Jeongyeon: Well, I think that we already had a sad and honest talk... Let's have fun until the day that we both part away, okay? (smiles)
-Taeho: Yeah (smiles) I still need to beat you at the arcades...
-Jeongyeon: Hmmm... We'll see (smirks) You are really bad at those games... (chuckles)
-Taeho: Tch... You'll see, I'll call you loser and I beat you (laughs)

We spent the rest of our lunch break like that... And then we returned back to class... But I can't forget about my main goal today, I need to find the man that Eunji is meeting...

So now, when we finish our classes I'll follow her and I'll find that damn evidence... I hope we solve this soon... I need to return back home... This is not my place.

-Time skip until the classes finished-

-Taeho: Jeong, today I have something really important to do... But let's meet tomorrow, okay? (smiles)
-Jeongyeon: Yeah okay, sounds fun (smiles)
-Taeho: See you (chuckles)

 But let's meet tomorrow, okay? (smiles) -Jeongyeon: Yeah okay, sounds fun (smiles) -Taeho: See you (chuckles)

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I then head outside as fast as possible and start looking for Eunji who assist another class... Once I recognize her characteristic hair and way of walking, I start following her.

I swear to God that I'll solve this soon, not only for me... But also because of everyone who is hurted because of my stupid mistakes... Forgive me Jeong, I'll make sure to make it up to you.

-Time skip some hours later-

I'm really tired... How's possible for her to walk with those heels that much? My legs are shaking and I almost lost my breath...

But I think that we arrived to the place that will solve everything... This is probably the house where she's meeting that rich man which will make her cheat on me...

What should I do now? Should I just approach one of the window and take pictures of both of them together? That would be a great evidence, but still... I think that it'll hurt me to see that...

TO MY YOUNG LOVE- JEONGYEON X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now