Chapter 2- Crime Scene

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The closer they got to S Wabash, the more red and blue flashing lights Grace saw. There were ambulance sirens and fire truck horns going off and a commotion going on at the entrance of a fancy looking hotel. Adam got let in by one of the cops to go through the yellow tape and parked behind a blacked out SUV.

"Stay in the car." Adam told her.

Grace nodded. 

"I mean it, Grace."

"I will, geez." Grace leaned forward and rested her arms on the dash, observing the police activity.

It wasn't her first time seeing the aftermath of something going down but nevertheless, she was interested. Her phone rang with a notification and she glanced at the screen to see a new text from Becca asking where she was. Grace quickly typed back a reply, explaining she was staying with her brother while they figured out some family stuff. She saw Adam walk over to an older man in dark jeans and a leather jacket and beanie, who she recognized as Hank Voight. He was speaking to a woman and two other men, one younger around Adam's age and one closer to her dad's. It looked like Adam was late to the party. He seemed to be getting the lowdown of the crime scene and then looked to his car, where Grace was. She figured he was updating them on his family drama. They all disappeared into the hotel for a half hour or so, leaving Grace sitting bored in the car.

Grace suddenly noticed a shadow appear to her right and heard a little knock on the car window. She looked up from the glowing phone screen to see a woman with dark hair and big round eyes dressed in a police uniform staring back at her. Taken aback, she rolled down the window.

"Can I help you, officer?" Grace asked nervously.

"I'm Officer Burgess. Miss, this is an active crime scene. You're going to have to leave so the police can do their job."

"I'm with an officer, Adam Ruzek, from the Intelligence Unit? With Hank Voight?" she tried as many keywords as possible that would indicate she was allowed to be there.

"You're with Adam?" she repeated, less in the form of a question and more in shock.

Grace nodded to confirm.

"Wait, are you a C.I.?" she asked, a little confused.

She shook her head. "I'm his sister. Half sister, if you want specifics." she figured giving details would get this woman off her back.

The woman looked surprised, "Oh. Alright then."

Just as she was leaving with her partner, Adam returned with Sergeant Voight by his side. Grace could tell Ruzek was not expecting to see Officer Burgess and got a feeling that this was the woman he was talking about earlier— the relationship from the station that didn't work out. He politely waved to her as she walked towards the hotel.

Voight kept his focus on Grace, waiting inside the car. Ruzek motioned for her to step out. She zipped her parka all the way up and kept her hands in her pockets, preventing her fingers from falling off as she walked around the car

"Grace, I'm Sergeant Hank Voight. You may remember me from a couple months back. I stopped by after that call with your father." Voight began in his raspy voice. She could see his breath appear in the cold air with every word.

"Hi," Grace politely grinned. "Yeah, I remember you."

"Alright, so Adam tells me your father has gotten himself into quite the predicament. That he might be getting in too deep with the wrong people?"

"That's one way of putting it, Serg," Adam added.

"It looks like he's holding money for someone, probably one of his private security clients. The last time I asked about it...well you know how that turned out. I'm not even living with him anymore."

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