Chapter 21- Finale (1)

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"Yeah?" Voight greeted whoever was calling him at 4 in the morning.

"Bob Ruzek will be getting charged later today with money laundering and accepting bribes."

Voight was confused for a moment. "Kathleen, is that you?" he asked, ensuring the woman on the other line was his friend at the State's Attorney's office.

The woman on the other line paused. "Yes," she answered. "The news isn't officially out for another couple hours but I wanted to give you a head start, just in case."

"Wait a second. You said money laundering? How?"

"McDowell told his lawyers that Bob Ruzek was taking some of the drug money for himself. Whether it's true or not, it won't be easy to fight in court. Ruzek is a divorced cop who was working for a club owner with drug this city that doesn't scream A+ cop, you know that."

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. The loud booming sound was coming from the apartment door. Grace abruptly woke up, her heart racing. She waited in bed for a minute, hoping whoever it was would stop. When it didn't, she got up and saw Adam looking out the peephole.

"Are they banging on our door?"

Adam nodded, "Not just someone. It's Voight."

Grace looked at the time on the stovetop. "At 6 in the morning?" she yawned, with a light, audible Chicago accent.

"It's probably about a case we're working on, go back to bed, alright?"

Grace walked back to her room half-asleep, but instead of flopping back onto her bed, she leaned against the wall with the door open just enough so she could hear what was going on at the door.

"Hey boss, what's going on?"

"It's about your father. Outside."

Grace heard Adam slip on some shoes and then shut the door. When he returned 15 minutes later, she could tell something was wrong by the way he closed the door.

Later that day, Adam and Grace were waiting upstairs in the Intelligence Unit for some news on their father's case. Voight was late, and it was getting dark outside. The two had been at the District all day, after Adam received the news about his father's arrest warrant going out. It was all over the news and by late morning, Bob Ruzek was in police custody downtown. What Grace had the most trouble with wasn't that he was charged, but the charges itself: money laundering. She tried to remember back to when she saw the cash at the house...there certainly was a lot of it, but she thought that was his payment from McDowell. Voight was able to get a meeting set up in county jail, where her father was being held. He'd been gone for three hours. Grace sighed a little too loud. It had been a long day for everyone, and now it was just the two Ruzek siblings. With all the madness going on, she barely had time to think about the Blueprint shooting dilemma. Severide kept nudging her to tell Adam, but she didn't have it in her. She'd rather stay quiet and hope the cops identified him on their own...but it had already been about 4 months. It was doubtful they'd all of a sudden have a breakthrough.

"It's getting late, let me drive you home so you can rest," Adam suggested.

Grace shook her head, "No way Adam, I'm staying until I hear what's going on. Hank said he'd be back with news. It could be any minute now."

"You look tired and you've been here all day throughout the running around and calls to the lawyers. Not to mention that lady from social services."

Grace rolled her eyes at the mention of Eden, who was dispatched to see what the situation was with Grace, considering she was a minor whose father was arrested and mother elsewhere. Today of all days, Grace was not in the mood to answer a million questions about her family and home life.

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