Chapter 5- The Blueprint

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It was Friday afternoon when Erin and Jay were on their way back to District 21 after finishing up a case, when they spotted a familiar face downtown.

"Hey, isn't that Adam's sister?" Erin slowed down her car right in front of the Blueprint, a popular music venue.

Jay took a closer look. The navy parka and pink backpack combo looked familiar.  "Yeah, I think you're right. Who's that guy she's talking to?"

"He's older." Erin pointed out the obvious, the guy looked about mid-20's and had a couple arm tattoos. "What is she doing?" she muttered.

The two observed Grace from afar, as she unzipped her backpack around and pulled a file out. Whatever the contents were, the mystery man appeared pleased and patted her on the shoulder. He took out an envelope and handed it to Grace before the two parted ways and she walked towards the L station.

"That was weird, right?" Erin asked Jay, and was met with a shrug.

"It is a concert venue. Maybe she was picking up tickets or something."

"An 18+ venue...and what was she giving him?" Erin added.

"Yeah...she's up to something."

Back at the District, Erin and Jay buzzed into Intelligence. They found Adam putting his jacket on getting ready to leave for the day.

"Hey, what's up?" he greeted them.

"Have you talked to your sister lately?" Erin asked.

Adam looked confused. "Kate?"

"No, Grace." Jay confirmed. "We saw her downtown talking to some guy."

"You sure it was her? She told me she was going to a friend's house later."

Jay raised his eyebrows. "Unless her 'friend' is a 25 year old hipster dude with tattoos..."

"Whoa whoa whoa, who said anything about her meeting up with a guy with tattoos?"

"Nothing," Erin said calmly. "It just looked strange. She handed him something from her backpack and he patted her on the shoulder. You want us to follow up on it or should we leave that to you?" she shrugged.

"Nah, it's ok. I'll ask her about it tonight...stupid tattoos..." he trailed off.

Erin hesitated before returning to her desk. "I'm sure she's fine, Adam."

"What if I'm not sure?"

"...Then do something about it." Erin suggested, half-joking.

After work, Adam was completely exhausted. So, when he got home to find Grace quietly doing homework, he made a quick dinner, had a beer, showered and was in bed by 7 o 'clock. Just as he was about to finish the chapter of his book and turn off the light, Grace knocked on his bedroom door with her backpack in hand.

"Hey, I'm going to Becca's to study with her and Emma for the history test on Monday. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Hold up. Now?" Adam questioned her.

Grace nodded. "Yes now, I'm catching the L. I'm sleeping over, so I'll see you tomorrow."

"What's the test on?"

Grace stopped right in her tracks, "The Cold War." she replied and left before Adam could interrogate her any longer.

"Dammit." Adam said under his breath, throwing the book down. Grace was a good liar, but she couldn't get past Adam. Part of him wanted to see how this turned out and what she was up to, so he had a plan. A couple minutes after she left, Adam pulled his cell out and dialled Burgess.

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