PART 2: Chapter 1- July Flashback

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It was morning, and Grace awoke under the covers in an apartment in Wicker Park, wearing only underwear and a XL gray t-shirt that wasn't hers. The room felt airy and was painted a buttery beige that had the walls lined with band posters and other art collected from over the years. The 8 am sunlight was streaming in through the blinds, and a window was cracked open, letting in cool September air. Grace pulled the covers back over herself in an effort to go back to sleep. She sighed and rolled over to face a mess of light brown hair, goofy smile, and paradise-looking soft lips looking right back at her.

"'Morning," he mumbled, smiling.

"Not yet," she whispered softly. Grace took in the sight, closed her eyes, and snuggled up close to him.


Grace tiredly strolled down the stairs of Voight's house to the living room, where she saw him asleep on the sofa. He must have passed out there after returning from the District last night. Lately, he was working overtime on her dad's case and other Intelligence cases. Grace noticed his phone, which was lit up with a number of unread messages.

She nudged him awake, "Hank." she said just above a whisper.

He jolted awake, "Huh? What's going on?"

"It's your phone. It's rung like, 6 times in a row," she told him, while handing him his phone.

Voight sat up and it was then he remembered everything. A few weeks ago everything changed. There was the home invasion that left his house and belongings destroyed, and Erin leaving for a job on the east coast. The text that Grace sent her wasn't seen until the morning, but luckily she was able to get help to Voight after flagging down a nearby police car. They drove straight over to Voight's and kicked the door down a minute after he was able to disarm the men and kill them. Grace was still fuzzy on the details, and unfortunately so was IRT.

After the body of the man who killed Justin, Kevin Bingham was discovered, all hell broke loose for Intelligence. It was all over the news. Alvin Olinsky's DNA was found on the body, and he ended up in county jail right beside Bob Ruzek. While waiting to be released on bail, Voight almost turned himself in to replace Alvin, but not before he got knifed and later died in surgery. When Adam found out, it had been the first time Grace had seen her big brother tear up. She cried with him in the hospital. Voight was left with two less members in his unit and family. Erin was gone, Alvin was dead, and he had 4 missed calls from Halstead he needed to attend to.

Hank glanced at Grace, "Adam's going home today, yeah?" He stood up and scrolled through his phone.

She nodded. "Abigail's picking me up in 30. My car is in the shop."

"It will be a long road ahead," he went to tie his shoes. "Adam's lucky."

"I know." Grace sighed. She looked around the house, and pretty much everything was back in order.

"I'm getting called into something here, I don't know when I'll be back."

Grace shrugged. She'd spent the last few weeks staying with Hank and had gotten used to the strange hours he worked. After living with Adam, she was used to it. The reason she was staying at Hank's was still hard for Grace to grasp. After Adam got shot and was recovering at Med, his wound became infected and he almost didn't make it. She was anxious and excited for her brother to return home and for more normalcy. With Adam all better, she could focus her energy on stressing about their father's fate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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