Chapter 15- Across State Lines

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The team was sitting inside the cabin, waiting on the rush order Voight placed for the DNA found on the set of bloody keys. The roof was still caved in and snow had piled up, but it was the only place warm enough to wait altogether. It was later in the afternoon and at this time of year it got darker earlier. It was getting more difficult to see past the driveway, especially with the snow coming down. WISN, the weather channel predicted up to 7 inches of snow by morning. A few R.P.D officers were inside with them and had a map set up on the counter, prepared to send more officers out to search for Grace. Minutes went by and with this as their only solid lead, it physically pained Adam and the rest of Intelligence to be idle. Suddenly, Voight's cell rang.

"Voight...Uh huh...ok."

"What is it, boss?" Jay asked.

Voight hung up the phone. "That was Olinsky. He and Mouse finished combing through all of Grace's social media, her phone, laptop...they didn't find anything." he explained, while his phone began ringing again. " hmm. Ok..."

The whole team exchanged looks, wondering what it could be this time.

"Does the last name Walton mean anything to you? Ray Walton?" he asked Adam.

"Walton? No, I've never heard that name before," he replied immediately. "Is that whose DNA it was?"

Voight nodded. Jay, Erin, and Antonio all looked at one another nervously. Time was slipping away. "He lived on the other side of the lake. He died three years ago.

Adam and the rest of the team looked a bit confused. Voight took a deep breath and looked Adam in the eye. He knew something was up. "He has a son. Ray Walton Jr. 63 years old. He owns the cottage next door to his father's."

"Let's hit it." Erin said.

Adam, who was ready to charge out of there, turned his head to Voight as he gave everyone the address. "3294 Spruce Road. Get your long guns out, we go in right now. Walton could be armed with that Glock 19."

"Let's go get Grace back, brother." Antonio told Adam, patting him on the shoulder.

The team zipped out of the cabin and suited up in bulletproof vests, retrieved their M4A1's from the trunk and then drove away in their respective cars with Racine P.D in tow.

"Adam, Walton has a record. He did time in the 90's for stalking a college student in Madison." Voight told him. Ruzek bit his lip to keep from showing any emotion as he walked to the SUV. He tried not to picture where Grace could be, for it was a dark image.

Adam was in the passenger seat beside Voight, his heart about to beat out of his chest. He had just gotten to know his sister again after 10 years, why was this happening? Why now?

"Ruzek, do you have your head on straight?" Voight asked as they drove through the snowstorm on the bumpy country roads.

Adam nodded, his focus set on the cottages nestled on across the lake. He didn't feel like he did, but knew his boss would make him stay in the car if he told the truth. Voight's cell beeped with a message from Mouse and he turned to show him a DMV photo of Ray Walton. He looked retired, like any other regular guy around the area. He could have been friends with his father, or part of the Lake Association.

Adam pointed to the screen in disbelief. "Hold on...I— I've seen him before."


"He owns the local convenience store. He's been around for years."

They rode in silence as they sped to the Walton cottages, and within seconds they surrounded the first one which was bigger and belonged to the father. Erin noticed a Chevy Tahoe parked right outside; maybe that neighbor had been right. They exited the snowy outdoors and went in guns blazing, calling out for Grace.

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