Chapter 17- What Happened?

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Grace's chest rose and fell with each breath she took, each one getting a tad louder as she woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and tiredly took in in her surroundings.

What happened? What day was it?

"Mmm..." she murmured, breathing in.

Adam, who was sitting in a chair beside her bed resting his eyes, shot up from his stiff hospital chair he'd spent the night sleeping on.

"Grace? Grace, you awake?...Do you know where you are?"

Grace frowned and squinted below, "The hospital...Chicago Med?"

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked softly.

She shook her head, "...I was at the cabin and then..." she trailed off and closed her eyes.

"You fell through the ice, but you're going to be alright."

"The ice...the ice," she processed. "That was after...he took me."

Adam immediately reacted by reaching out to hold his sister's hand and squeezing it, thankful that she was alive. He didn't want her to feel alone as the memories from the last 48 hours began to flood back and replay over and over in her head.

"He can't hurt you anymore, or ever again. He's dead, he's gone."

Strangely enough, Grace had no reaction to that piece of information. She gazed at the door and saw Voight standing in the hallway.

"How are you doing, Grace?" he asked while entering the room.

She shrugged and looked to Adam, not knowing how to answer, which Voight understood. There was a slight awkward silence that Grace then broke, before Voight could ask any more questions.

"Where's Dad? And Mom?" she asked, tucking her hair behind her ears. It was messy and had a dry texture to it.

"Dad left a few minutes ago to fill out some paperwork, he'll be back in a little while."

Grace stared blankly at him, still drowsy. "Ok, and my mom?"

"She's stuck at the hospital, but uh she said she would drive over as soon as she could." Adam lied.

Grace looked around nervously and felt as if there was something else he wasn't telling her. She read the time on the alarm clock beside her; it was morning. Adam could tell she was disappointed and perhaps a bit suspicious about her mother, but hoped she wouldn't dive into the subject.

"Did they find the other bodies? He...he told me there were others." she said slowly, still waking up. Whatever sedative they'd given her definitely worked its magic.

"The FBI has been on site digging up both properties since early this morning." Voight finally spoke.

"The FBI?" Grace was confused.

"Grace, we don't have to talk about this now." Adam tried protecting her.

"I want to know." she snapped.

Adam wasn't sure whether the whole being-on-national-news thing or the fact that Walton was a serial killer would freak her out more.

"It's been all over the—"

"You have to know that the man who took you—" Adam interrupted Voight. He knew his boss was trying to prepare his sister for what was happening outside, but Grace could go a few more hours without knowing she was the talk of the breaking news circuit, albeit her name was being left out. "—he was a serial killer, Grace."

"I mean, he bragged about doing it before." she tried to understand everything going through her head without picturing being back in that dark, cold, creepy space. She stretched her toes and snuggled deeper into the blankets. "Is that why the FBI is there? They found more didn't they?"

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