Chapter 8- Hospital Visit

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A couple days had passed since Bob was shot. It was getting colder and there was more snow on the ground. Adam returned to his apartment in order to take a break between visiting his father. He saw Grace sitting on the sofa, half focused on her math homework.

"Hey," she said softly. "Were you visiting Dad?"

Adam thought she sounded tired. He hoped his sister wasn't losing sleep worrying about their dad. He nodded, and Grace took no update as good news. Adam's gaze hovered to the office door and he remembered the Christmas decorations he needed to unpack. The holiday was creeping up on him and with everything going on, he wanted to make the apartment more cheerful. He kicked his shoes off and opened the door. It was more of a storage room than anything, although there was a futon that had seen better days. While in search of wrapping paper and a wreath, he noticed some measuring tape sitting on the shelf and picked it up. He figured a double bed would fit nicely against the wall.

Grace walked down the hallway of Chicago Med to her father's room, with one question that needed to be answered. And it wasn't 'how are you feeling?'.

"So I drove up to the cabin that day. There was a gun in the glove compartment." Grace was sitting on her father's hospital bed, beside him.

"No excuse," he breathed out. "I've always kept one there, just in case."

"In case of what?"

"You never know."

" mysterious as that answer is, it doesn't help. Why didn't you tell me before? What if I had gotten pulled over and—"

"What would the police pull you over for?" Bob laughed.

"It doesn't matter. It would have been a nice piece of information to have, is all."

The two both took a moment and neither of them spoke.

"I think I'm going to be living at Adam's for a while." Grace broke the news. She'd seen her brother measuring the crap out of his office earlier that afternoon.

"That's probably for the best, until I get out of here. Did you tell your mother?" Bob asked.

"About you getting shot?"

"No, about you living with Adam."

Grace shook her head no, "I haven't spoken to her in awhile. She's busy with her new job at the hospital."

"Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts."

For a moment, Grace was confused but then remembered her mother's ways when she was younger. That was a long, long time ago she reminded herself.

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