Chapter 23- Finale (3): Run For Your Life

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As Grace exited Voight's car outside his house in Bridgeport, she noticed how hot July had become. It must have been over 100 degrees and it was the middle of the night. After leaving the hospital, the two drove to Adam's so Grace could pack an overnight bag. They didn't speak during the car ride back to Voight's. In a daze, Grace followed him inside and up to the guest bedroom, where Erin used to sleep when she lived there. Something about that was comforting to Grace, maybe because since Erin had been here and turned out ok, so would she.

A while later after Grace took a cool shower, Voight knocked on the door to check in. "If you need anything, I'll be down the hall," Voight told her while leaning against the doorframe.

Grace was curled up in bed against the soft pillows wearing an old t-shirt from a 10k she did and polka dotted PJ shorts. Her nearly dry dark brown hair was tucked behind her ears.

"Thank you," Grace said. "For all of this."

Voight grinned.

Grace took a deep breath and thought about asking something that'd been on her mind since she'd seen the black and white photograph in the hallway. "The middle picture in the hallway, the one in the thick wooden frame...that was Justin, right?"

Voight nodded, reminiscing. "Yeah..." he answered softly.

"How long has it been?"

"It was three years in May," he swallowed. "Have a goodnight."

Voight never liked to divulge much about his personal life. Part of Grace was glad, because neither did she.

Grace felt as though her body was finally able to power down after such an exhausting day and unwind into unconsciousness. It was hard for Grace to feel safe enough to fall asleep, but she eventually passed out after the house settled and everything became background noise.

The sounds from outside felt routine— a car zooming down the street every now and then and the hum of the AC turning.

The next morning, Grace woke up forgetting where she was at first. It all came rushing back. Adam— she needed to know how he was. Her dad, too. She left the bedroom and could hear a woman's voice coming from the kitchen. Grace went downstairs to inspect and saw Erin sitting at the kitchen table talking with Voight. They both looked somber, but Erin more stressed as they spoke in hushed tones. Would this be how Grace found out Adam had died?

"'Morning, Grace," Hank said, hearing Grace before he saw her, as she was stepping on the creaking floors.

"'Morning Hank. Hi Erin," she said quickly. "Is Adam ok? Is there an update on my dad?"

Voight and Erin looked to each other, which made Grace nervous for no reason, since a second later she found out all was well.

"Adam woke up a few hours ago. I can take you to see him after you have something to eat."

"For a second you made me nervous, the two of you whispering like that."

Erin sighed, and once again looked to Voight who motioned for her to go ahead and tell Grace whatever it was.

"Your father has an arraignment hearing this afternoon. It's where the charges will be read aloud by a judge and he'll enter a plea. We're hoping he will be granted bail."

"I figured that would happen soon," Grace told her, trying to read Voight's expression on his face. There was something else Erin wasn't saying. "What is it?" she asked again.

Voight said softly, "Alvin was arrested in connection with a murder last night."

"And I'm moving to the east coast. New York, I've been offered a job there."

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