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I came to school everyday wearing my shades on. The people around me got confused of what I'm doing. I guess, they're just envy. They got envious of me because of my hundred million shades that I wear everyday.

"Are you out of your mind?" someone said last week.

Well, I'm not. I just like the shades my father gave me. Imagine, he given me a hundred million shades just to have a present for my birthday. Ridiculous isn't it?

"Can you please at least put down your shades? We are in school, not in the beach." Adari said, my best friend.

Well, the reason behind of me wearing shades is that I don't like what I'm seeing.. everyday in school. And, I don't like them seeing me in a blank expression. I want to cover my everyday's expression. And also, I don't like seeing their faces that turns ugly whenever they see me. It's scaring me, really.

I bumped into one of the heartthrobs in this campus. A self-proclaimed 'prince of the campus'.

I got up and walked again like nothing's happened.

We are close, actually. We knew each others. Even my father knew him too. We talked a lot in messenger and in twitter.

"Why are you wearing your shades, Zandee? Are you afraid of seeing the ray of light in the morning?"

He's always ask me that question. I don't know why he's like that. But same answer to the same question-- I don't like seeing students being stupid in front of a guy. Begging them to stay. Like duh? Can't they see it? Guys really don't appreciated what girls can give. Even they give their all to them. They don't care. And it's really disgusting. I'm very disappointed to the girls. But what I can do? It's their feelings, not mine. Tch. Whatever.

Then someone caught my attention.

I saw Lloyd..

But he's with someone.

Ah--He's with his girlfriend. I knew it.

I smirked, roll my eyes and went to somewhere.


One of the reasons why I wear this shades is because of my uncontrollable emotions.

And Lloyd was one of it.

I cry like a nonstop music in the party. It breaks my heart seeing him with someone else. That should be me. But what can I do? He doesn't like me. Because he wants a sexy and canine girl. I forget-- he likes animals. So that's why he's with Hailey. Tch.

I wear back my shades and went home.

Everytime I see him, can't help it but to become teary-eyed. That's why I'm avoiding him now. Can't help it but to cry for such an asshole like him. Darn. He don't deserve my tears, my diamond tears.

Wearing shades in a rainy season is not a bad thing for me.

You should try it. I'm dead serious.

And now, I'm wearing shades everyday until I got home and rest. So that, I won't disturb others for what they're doing. I don't like them being caring to me. They only cared for me because I've got what others don't have. For that, they treated me special and I don't really like it. Because when I'm sad or had a problem, no one's there to comfort me. They only value me because of the richness of my family.

Adari is the only one who valued my existence..

And Adari is what my shades name.


°got inspired by MJ wearing his gorgeous shades°

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