~Chapter 3~

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It was finally evening time. Angela and Amy were sat in the dining room together as Luke and Dominic were in the living room talking. They were waiting for Jackson to arrive, but they wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.

Angela sipped on her glass of wine as she quickly flickered her eyes over to Amy who did the same. The only thing that made the silence between them bearable was the chatter and laughter coming from the living room between Luke and Dominic.

Whenever they were together alone like this, it'll always guaranteed to be filled with silence. They simply had nothing to talk about most of the time. The only thing they had in common was that they were both the two most important women in Luke's lives, with Amy often feeling like she was second best the majority of the time.

Angela removed her eyes from Amy to glance down at some recent emails on her phone. Being the manager of the number one boxer in the world, meant that she was always busy no matter what hour of day it was.

"Something important?" Amy spoke up, placing her glass of wine on the table.

"No it's just something to do with Luke's PR coverage over in New York. I'll get back to them later" Angela replied, before placing her phone down on the table. "So, how's your recent movie going?" She asked, deciding to finally build some conversation.

"We just wrapped it up. We should be doing the press in about a week's time" said Amy. She gazed down at her engagement for a brief while before turning her attention back to Angela. "So Listen, I've been meaning to talk to you about Luke and I's wedding".

"What about it?" Asked Angela, arching her brow at her.

"Well the wedding's in four months, but I feel like he's been so distracted lately. You know with the whole championship win and your brother, and just everything but me overall" she stated, before sighing to herself.

Angela stared at her for a brief while as she glanced down at her engagement ring before shifting her eyes away and speaking up. "You know for someone who's the self proclaimed Hollywood's golden girl, you sure are insecure" she teased a little.

Amy looked up from her ring as she scoffed playfully at her. "And for someone who's the daughter of a legendary boxer and grew up surrounded by the business, you sure do get stressed a lot even when you don't need to be" she smiled, poking fun at her.

"Alright, let's not get too personal" Angela sneered as the both of them laughed. "And look... Luke wouldn't have asked you to marry him if he didn't love you, so don't worry about y'alls wedding" she reassured.

Seconds later, Luke and Dominic strolled inside the dining room. Dominic took his seat beside Angela as Luke sat at the front of the table, not before placing a kiss down on Amy's lips as Angela watched on.

"I suppose Jackson's not coming after all" Dominic spoke up.

"He'll be here" Angela uttered briefly.

"Jackson wouldn't miss an opportunity to disrespect me or Angie. its what he does best" Luke spoke, glancing over at Angela. She glanced back up at him and slowly lifted his chin up to check carefully if the bruise under his left eye was starting to disappear as Amy and Dominic watched their every move.

She reached inside her pocket to pull out a pair of dark shades, before handing it over to him. "Your bruise is starting to heal but if Jackson sees it he's gonna boast and its gonna fill his already big ego" she stated.

Luke took the shades of her and wore it over his eyes. "Angie, you know I don't care about that" he said, taking the shades of her.

"I know, but you know how my brother is" she pleaded.

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