~Chapter 5~

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It was Eleven in the morning and Angela-Rose was in her living room as she spoke to Eddie; her father's manager before he died, on the phone.

Today was the day of the media press conference for Luke and Jackson's rematch and she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel a little uneasy about it, but she didn't have time to feel discomfort especially since people were relying on her, especially Luke. Ever since she stated managing Luke, she's always made sure to remain tough and put on a hard exterior in the public eye, only to be taking a little more seriously.

She sat down on the sofa to put on her boot heels, holding the phone between her right ear and shoulder, before turning to glance over at the TV.

Today was also the day that her father passed fourteen years ago, and you can guess that all the news outlets and reporters were talking about it. She was more than glad that her father's legacy still lived on and people still remembered him as one of the greatest, but they were also the same people who belittled her in the media each day and often questioned her role as a boxing manager. They made her brother; Jackson out to be the golden child, the second generation boxing star and the spitting image of his father, while they made her out to be the complete opposite and so much worse, and it truly made her truly sick.

"Angela... Angela, you still there, sweetheart?" Eddie questioned in his thick and heavy British accent, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Sorry about that Eddie, you were saying?" She sighed, quickly zipping up her boots, before going to stand in-front of her TV.

Eddie paused for a brief moment before speaking up. "How are you feeling? I know today's especially hard for you".

She placed her hand on her hip and looked away from the screen. "How are YOU feeling? you were his manager for twenty years, after all" she said, before going to put on her light purple overcoat.

"Oh it's always nice to see your tough side" Eddie chuckled lightly. "But honestly, are you okay?".

"You've asked me the same question every year ever since I was twelve years old. You don't have to worry, Eddie, I'm fine" she breathed out, picking up a brush from the table to brush her hair.

"I know you've got your head screwed on, Angela. You know how to take care of yourself and others, but Bobby was my best friend, and I promised him minutes before he died that I'd watch over you... you and Jackson" he spoke, causing her to sigh silently. "Speaking of Jackson, is everything under control for the press conference this afternoon?" He questioned.

"Its not guaranteed to be under control, but I know how to handle these type of things" she replied.

"And how's Luke?" He asked.

"He's healthy, that's all that matters. He's actually the one that talked me into setting up the rematch with Jackson with one of the boxing promoters. Once he sets his mind to something even I can't stop him" she sighed, placing her hand on her head.

"Listen, I know you worry for him" said Eddie. "You're worried that the same thing that happened to your dad is going to happen to him one day, but you shouldn't".

Angela paused for a little while. She glanced back over at the TV, before clearing her throat. "I'll call you later, Eddie. I have to get a few things sorted" she said, before saying her last goodbye to him and hanging up the phone.

As she placed her phone on the table, she heard a knock come from her door. She paused for a little while, before going to open it.

"Aunt Vivian?" She questioned, scrunching up her face displeasingly and in confusion as she eyed her aunt carefully.

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