Birthday Bash/ A Warm Welcome

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(double chapter. You guys thought my Wattpad was dead, take this whammy!)

Birthday Bash

My eyes crack open, first laying sight on a yellow blob but then sharpening to the slumbering hunk that is Ren. She had a vice grip around me with her arms, I had to use quite some force to even budge them. After getting out of her grasp, she makes an annoyed grumble and turns over on the bed. I pull a stealth roll and get out of bed, quickly grabbing some decent clothes and wisping out of the room, being sure not to wake her up. I throw on my hastily chosen clothes while I grab my jacket and my keys, planning to browse for a gift to get for Ren.

While I'm driving down the broadway, the early crack of sunlight coming from the sky almost blinds me. Fortunately, there are not many cars on the road, in fact, it's almost weird seeing the wide road not bristling with cars 24/7. I pull into one of those old fashion gift shops, you know, the ones that are made of spruce wood and are lined with golden brass, straight out of a Christmas movie. Some bells make a chime as I open the door to the place, and to my surprise there... are no employees? Not a single soul now that I look through the boxy, squished isles.

    "Hello?" I call out. Nothing. I cautiously walk around, going to the furthest isle and walking around. I expect a body on the floor or something, but I'm met with... Ren?! S-she's on the isle looking over it before directing a horrified gaze towards me.

                                      (yo ass got knocked df out. 3rd person, I don't know)

A loud 'Thwack!' was rung throughout the store as a Renamon did a direct hit on his head.

    "What the fuck!?" The still frightened Renamon looked at the other.

    "What? He was looking at you funny!" The other one replied. He had a strong masculine voice. "She said 'if he doesn't listen, take him by force', not fucking bludgeon him, Dipshit!" The other Renamon clocks him in the head. "O-Ow! The human is lucky that the Elders said we could even keep him alive!" He rubs his oblong head and grabs (Y/n)'s shirt collar. "Orders are orders" She crosses her arms

A Warm Welcome

"AAH!" my entire body jerks as the sounds of shackles fill the air. I'm restrained to a crude chair, surrounded by a dug-out room. The dirt was a horrible smell, but not nearly as bad as the voices I hear. My heart races as they get closer.

    "I swear on fucking Kuzuhamon's missing tail, if he's dead, you'll join him as well!" It's Ren, and Woo Jesus, she's pissed. "For once, I met someone nice out of this forsaken clan, and then all of a sudden you guys come back with open arms, 'Oooh we see we were wrong, come back and just live with us!' And when I come back to say hi, he's strapped in a fucking chair knocked out for half a week!" A neat metal door opens, producing Ren. "(Y-Y/n)!!" She dashes onto me and hugs the living shit out of me, giving me a deep kiss on my lips. "I'm so sorry..." She nuzzles her face into my shoulder. "It's a-alright Ren" I try to raise a smile for her. She snaps the chains on my arms, letting me stand up on my own feet. A couple of guards I'm guessing, point some sort of weapon at me. I took note and decide to pull Ren's upper body down to mine, giving her a passionate kiss. They lower their armaments in confusion as Ren gets a deep Maroon blush. She stands back up straight and picks me up, carrying me Bridal style.

Ren and I get out of the dirt cell, with her carrying me to a very... hot... room...

    "Why are we at the uhm, springs?" I question her.

    "(Y/n), I'm not going to lie, you smell like pure sweat," she tells me. "But your hair is nice atleast~" She takes a whiff out of my hair. "We're not all sunshine and rainbows, especially after being held captive for 4 days my tall banana" She tilts her head at me in an oblivious confusion. "What? Y'know, you're yellow, like a banana?" She gives me a disappointed squint as she prepares for a throw. Ren plunges me into one of the hot spring, following me shortly by slipping in slowly. Her fur becomes soaked as she rubs against me. She grabs both of my hands and slowly bends down, her breath hotter than the bath itself while she gives a kiss. This time, it's a true French kiss, my tongue dancing around hers "Mmmmph~!" We continued for a few more seconds, Ren snuggling me closer to her. She finally breaks it, letting me breathe. She gave me the cutest pair of bedroom eyes on her face as she reaches down towards my damp pants.

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