So school began and I couldn't look at you the same. It was like the halls were distorted, something changed. Like I said I was in my deepest slump, but seeing you changed everything. Our conversations were no longer just conversations to me, I looked forward to getting to know everything about you every single day. Our platonic touches weren't the same anymore, I'd hyper focus on when your hand accidentally brushed on mine, or when you gripped my wrist while you laughed. Soon enough, whatever that had me in that low was history, and that's when the story of you began, with no distractions.
We continued to text every night for a week, about everything. You checked up on me often and I loved that. We talked about things that mattered. All my life I felt unsatisfied, not knowing I just needed someone who understood me on a deeper level. Every night I think about your brown eyes and the way I feel when you look at me, how captivating those eyes are. I think about your beautiful features and how they compliment your face. How could I have not seen you like this before when you've been the closest person in my life for years prior? The attention you gave me was so uncalled for, made me feel valued, and so, I let myself fall. Slowly and gradually, I let loose, but my guard was definitely still up.
the story of you
Short Storyi'm bored at work and i'm feeling so many emotions??? gonna write about a fictional story. anyways is something up with the stars? everything feels so overwhelming.