Complications and Confirmations

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March came around and that's when all emotions began to elevate.. makes sense for it was pisces season. You and I were at a friends house, painting. We began all picking a random section to paint thinking we'd all do our own thing, but you and I, we harmonized, without a choice. It was the most beautiful painting I've ever seen or created, only because you're touch was incorporated. Soon after began our renaissance era, we'd find any time to be alone in our busy lives and connected through a therapeutic painting and talking session.

That same day, we both found out we'd gotten accepted to the committee of our choice for Model UN, lame, but it means a lot to me, and so I was feeling euphoric. The week after, it began, and boy was I excited. We spoke for hours a day planning our arguments and skipped plans with friends just to get the work done. Slight hiccup though.. the previous Model UN I was at I was a defending advocate and had a crush on a prosecuting advocate.. interestingly enough, that same prosecuting advocate personally invited me and ensured a perfect spot for me on the Model UN their school was holding, the position of a detective running cases against notorious serial killers. 5am sharp on the first day, I went to pick you up. To be honest, I hadn't slept much the night before, I kept convincing myself I had no more feelings left for them. To give a brief insight into what happened with that prosecuting advocate, after that first MUN I was heavily infatuated, and we started texting. I began listening to all the music they gave me and daydreaming about them 24/7, until one day, the infatuation wore out, out of sight out of mind. I kept wondering if seeing them again would change anything for me.

We got to the conference school and I saw them, and it immediately struck. To speed the events up, the day went by and I kept noticing a recurring pattern; I'd always brush off my boyfriends texts, thinking of them as annoying, and that's when I realized. All the nights I stayed up talking to him, I kept talking about you. All the days I was out with friends but ignored them to text him, you weren't there. I began to realize I didn't like him the way I liked you, and as bad as it sounds, I merely gave him attention when I was bored, and kept him around to boost my ego with his recurring compliments and lovey dovey texts. I might've also agreed with his taste in music, but soon realized that was obviously not enough to feel a genuine connection with someone. Right then and there, was the day I decided I'd slowly begin to push away from him; he was the last of my worries. Yep, all of that went through my head as I awaited my detective partner to read her part of our closing statement. I went up next, reading the closing statement, that is, and I caught your eyes amidst the delegates, it made my heart drop, but I also caught the chairs eyes during that statement, and felt that old infatuation strike back at the wrong time... So with one boy out the way, two were left running laps in my head.

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