Sleepover with Hiro (Hiro x Reader)

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You put on your backpack and picked up your sleeping bag. Checking your phone again, you read the latest text from Honey Lemon:

Honey Lemon: Hey, (Y/N), all of us are going to Hiro's for a sleepover. Wanna come?

You: Sure :D

Honey Lemon: Great! 

You hurried downstairs, where your dad was waiting. "Come on, (Y/N)," he said. You both walked out into the cold night air and climbed into the car. "Soooo, (Y/N), are there going to be any boys there?" your dad asked casually.

Rolling your eyes, you glanced out the window. "Well. . . I guess. But girls are going, too," you added defensively.

When the car stopped in front of Lucky Cat Cafe, you climbed out and grabbed all your things. "Bye, Dad!" you called, and went inside.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" Hiro greeted you as soon as you walked in. You smiled at him. "Where's everyone else?"

"Oh. . . they said they're going to be late," Hiro shrugged. "Come on." He led you upstairs to his house.

All of them? you thought, narrowing your eyes. That's suspicious. 

Hiro opened the door to his room, and pulled you inside. "Where's Tadashi?" you asked. 

"At SFIT," Hiro replied. "Where else?" 

You put down your stuff. "Everyone's gone?" you asked, putting your hands on your hips. 

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Hiro crouched down in front of the TV and began rifling through a stack of DVDs.

"Never mind," you sighed, sitting on his bed. "What are we watching?" you asked, changing the subject.

Hiro pulled out (Favorite Movie). "This," he said.

"Hiro, you hate that movie."

"But you like it."

"Shouldn't you choose something we both like?"

"As long as you're happy, I'll manage," he smiled, ruffling your hair. "Now you stay put and I'll get some popcorn."

When he left, his phone suddenly buzzed. Honey Lemon's picture flashed on the screen. Maybe she's telling us she's almost here. You reached out and took the phone in your hands.

Honey Lemon: How are you and (Y/N) getting on? ;)

You nearly dropped the phone. Honey and the rest of the gang set you up to come to Hiro's alone so they could satisfy their matchmaking skills?

You typed in, "Terrible," angrily. Then you turned off the phone and threw it across the bed. What kind of friends are they? I know well enough Hiro doesn't like me!

Just then, Hiro walked in, holding a big bowl of popcorn. "Hey, (Y/N)," he said, noticing your furious face. "What's wrong?"

"Did you know about this?" You got off the bed when he sat down next to you. You retreated to the beanbag across the room.

"Know about what?" Hiro started the movie. 

"About Honey Lemon and GoGo's plot." 

"What do you mean? Aren't they coming?"

"No, because they just fooled me into coming here alone!" you snarled, throwing yourself into the beanbag. "Just playing matchmaker again."

"Matchmaker? With who? You and-" he trailed off. ". . . me." 

You didn't reply, just glared at nothing.

"Hey, it's okay," Hiro said, coming over to you. "At least we're having fun."

"Fun?" you asked sourly. "This is fun?"

Hiro scowled and lifted a handful of popcorn out of the bowl, and threw it over you. "Stop being so grumpy," he said.

You gasped as the popcorn rained down on you. "Hey!"

"Now will you just participate and have fun? Maybe it'll put an end to their teasing," Hiro replied, smirking. 

You huffed and got up, brushing popcorn off your clothes. "Fine."

Together you both watched the movie, even though Hiro hated it. You looked sideways at him, and he was staring intently at you. Uh. . . creepy. . . You cleared your throat. "Hiro, just because you don't like the movie doesn't mean you have to stare at me."

"Why not?" Hiro said dreamily. "You're really pretty."

You turned your head and gave him a look. His eyes widened. "Oh, shoot," Hiro scooted away from you.

Grinning, you poked him in the chest. "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything!"

"Yes, you did. I dare you to say it again." You crawled after him. 

Hiro rolled his eyes. "I said you were pretty, okay? It's just a compliment. It's not like I'm saying "Marry me" or something."

"But you wish you could," you replied, waggling your eyebrows.

Hiro glared at you. 

"What?" you protested. "You asked me to have fun."

"But you don't have to tease me."

Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. "Hiro, can you do something for me?"

"What is it?" he asked begrudgingly. 

"Well, I really like Tadashi, and I was wondering if you would pass on the message," you said, smirking.

"You what?!" Hiro sat up suddenly. His face had fallen.

"What's wrong, Hamada?" You grinned. "Can't handle a girl liking your brother?" Hiro was struggling for words. Finally, you decided to let him go. "Hey, Hiro," you said again. You scooted over to him. "Can I tell you something?"

He gave you a pained look. "Another message for Tadashi? Sure."

You pulled out a piece of paper from your backpack and a pencil. You scribbled, I like you on it and shoved it at him. "Only it's not for Tadashi," you said. "It's for you."

* * *

Okay, now let's use our wonderful imaginations and think about what happened afterward ;)

Seriously I had no idea what to write after. And it was getting too long. xD

So write your own ending below please. I'm so tired =.= 


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