Memories (Two-Part OneShot)

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A special (and hastily-written) two-part oneshot for my wonderful friend Liz. :D @cutiekoala104

Part 1

Late sunlight streamed in from the restaurant window. Next to you, Hiro scarfed down some hotwings. Across from the both of you, Tadashi nibbled halfheartedly on some teriyaki chicken.

"How's it taste?" Cass called from across the cafe. 

"Great!" you said cheerfully, but Tadashi only stared at his food. You eyed him. "What's wrong, Tadashi?" Even though he was a little old for you, you kind of liked him. He was mature and kind.

Hiro glanced at you, an eyebrow raised. You didn't even look at him. Hiro, on the other hand, was a immature brat. He always made fun of you and ruined your things.

Tadashi looked up at you. "Oh, um, nothing. . . " He looked down again.

Hiro kicked you under the table. You ignored him.

After a late lunch, the three of you went to SFIT, even though Hiro was complaining the whole time. "I don't want to go to your dumb nerd school!" he complained.

"Hiro, can you shut up for once?" you shouted at him. "That's so offensive!"

"Not as offensive as your face," he snickered.

When you didn't react, he reached for your (H/C) hair but you quickly ducked out of the way. So he chased you through the SFIT courtyard until he cornered you. "Haha," he said triumphantly. He began tickling you.

You shoved him off and gave him a good kick in the leg. "Just leave me alone, okay?" you growled, running back to where Tadashi was waiting. Hiro narrowed his eyes at you and followed.

"You guys need to stop goofing off," Tadashi said, but amusement filled his eyes. "Everyone's looking."

"Well, I didn't want to come in the first place," Hiro said rudely.

Tadashi rolled his eyes and began to introduce you two to his friends. "This is Honey Lemon, GoGo, Wasabi, and last but not least, Fred."

After a small talk, you were itching to look around. You had been waiting forever to look around the nerd la- SFIT. 

But to your dismay, Hiro decided to follow you. Once you two were out of earshot, he mumbled, "You don't have to make it so obvious you like my brother." 

You blushed. "I don't like Tadashi!"

Hiro shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yes, you do. You never look at me the same way you look at him."

"Well, what do you expect? I still remember the time you put a handful of worms in my bed." You didn't bother to look at him.

"You really can't take a joke," Hiro muttered. "Just forget what I said." He turned and raced back to his brother.

* * *

That was years ago. After Tadashi's death about two years ago, you slowly drifted apart from the Hamada family until you stopped talking to them entirely. You no longer visited Lucky Cat Cafe. You never messaged Hiro again (not that you would). You just kept to yourself, depressed that Tadashi was gone.

Soon, you started bot-fighting. It got your mind of depression. . . and Tadashi.

* * *

Huehue to be continued my Naturians.

That was so hastily-written I can't. . . *facepalm*  I'll edit it later.


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