Week 4. Group date

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I was excited for today. I had a great date planned and I was super excited.
I was waiting for the guys to come down to the lobby so we could go. I saw Charlie approaching so I decided to go where he was.

"Hey pretty lady. " He hugged me. 

"Hey, how are you?"

"Good, good. You?"

"I'm fabulous." I said in a sassy tone. 


"Where are the rest of the guys?"

"They will be here in a minute, so we need to be quick."

"For what?"

"I want to give you a proper kiss without us being interrupted." He leaned in, grabbed my chin and kissed me. I just smiled through the kiss. I was enjoying the moment until someone cleared their throat.

I turned around and saw that all of the guys were standing there, waiting. 

"Hi! How are you?" We greeted each other. "Maybe you've heard what me and the other guys have done on our dates, and to be honest I'm not done with the tour of New York just yet. So today I will end our tour with us visiting a magical place. I thought we could go to Times Square. So are you ready?" The nodded. "Lets go then."

We made our way to Times Square. I was walking between Liam and Jack. The first one grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. Me made small talk. 

"How are you feeling about being here?"

"Great. As much as I like being in LA, I love it here more. This is my home." I said as Liam kissed the back of my hand.

We made it to Times Square in no time. I turned to the guys once we stoped. 

"Well, welcome to Times Square."

"It's crowded. " Jack F. said. 

"I know. But truth be told, that is something I love about it. Time seems to stop when I'm here, because you see a lot of people, different people with different lives and it is just so mesmerizing."

"So what are we doing here?" Isaac asked me. 

"I thought we could explore, go to the shops and just hang out. There are a lot of things to do here. Lets begin exploring."

There we were, watching street painters, hearing the street singers, watching the people go by. We were currently in the M&M's shop just goofing around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and my eyes widen with surprise. 

"SURPRISE!" My four best friends were standing in front of me. 

"Oh my God. What are you doing here?" I asked as I hugged them. 

"We wanted to surprise you." Rachel said. 

"Guys!" I yelled still surprised. -Guys, this are my best friends. This is Rachel, this is Sadie, that's Megan and last but certainly not least, that is Liv. 

"Hello. Pleasure to meet all of you." Meg said. 

"You too." Kyle said.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked them. I felt Colton wrap his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I just blushed because I was being affectionate with the guys in front of my best friends. 

"Well, we wanted to surprise you. And we wanted to spend the day with you and your lovers." Liv said as she giggled. 

"Her lovers? Oh my." Liam said. "I like you already."

"Should we continue with our day?" I asked all of them. 

"Yes!" They told me.

We continued our day exploring Times Square. We went to some stores, we bought clothes, we ate, we laughed, we had a good time. And there were definitely a few stolen kisses. We sat down on the red stairs. I was currently talking to Kyle. 

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