Week 2. Group date

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It was a new week, a new day. I was excited for this new date. I could feel it would be a great one.
I was getting ready for today.

*At the mansion*

"Hey guys, date card." Someone shouted from the first floor of the house.
Everyone gathered in the living room, while Isaac read the date card.

Cam, Wesley, Kyle, Cameron, Taron, Ronny, Jack F. and Brent. "Are you good at aiming?" -Alanna.

"Well, lets go get ready boys."

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The boys arrived at the location. As soon as they stepped out of the bus, they came running to me. Everyone gave me a hug.

"As you now, I live for adventure and adrenaline, so I thought that today we could have a little game of something called laser tag." All the guys cheered for that and I smiled for their enthusiasm." I like your enthusiasm, so let's go get out gear."

We walked to the building and went for our gear. As we were heading towards the court, I felt a hand intertwine with mine. I looked up to see a smiling Kyle.
I returned the smile and we continued walking.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We had been playing for like 30 minutes and I was currently hiding between two walls and I was sure nobody could see me.
I was getting ready to tag the boys, when I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I froze in place.

As I turned around, I saw Jack smirking to me.

"Hi." He whispered.

"Hello." I giggled and he sat down next to me.

"Can we hide here for a little bit?" I nodded.

Before I realized what was happening, Jack and I were making out behind a wall.

"I think we should keep playing before they find us." He nodded and we stood up. "But first, one for the road." I gave him a last kiss and then we separated.

"Don't miss me too much." He winked at me and then turned around.

"I won't. And Jack ." I called after him, he turned to look at me and in that moment, I pointed my gun at him and pulled the trigger.

He looked at me with wide eyes and I could only smirk at him. I just giggled and gave him a kiss.

"I'm sorry."

"You will pay for that." He laughed and then went to take a seat with the other boys who were out of the game.

After that, it seemed like a few minutes had passed, when I took a glance to where everyone was sitting and saw that only one person was missing.


I saw him hiding behind a garbage can, so I quickly ducked and hid.
I heard the applause of the guys and I just smiled.
Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat. I froze in place. I turned my head and Wesley was aiming his gun at me.
I stood up and faced him. I quickly aimed my gun at him. He just smiled.

"You need to know that I'm a very competitive person."

He chuckled. "You need to know that I'm also a very competitive person." He sent me a wink.

It was so sudden. Everything happens so fast. I was looking at him and then both of our vests were red, meaning that we were out.

We both looked shocked, and then heard a laugh. Ronny was aiming at us. He had won the game.

I just started laughing and ran to Ronny. I gave him a hug and congratulated him.

Everyone joined us and that's when I took Ronny's hand in mine.

"He is the rightful winner of today. Wuuuuu." As I cheered for him, the rest of the boys were being good sports. There was only one thing that caught my eye. Cam was giving Ronny a nasty look that I didn't like.

I could feel Ronny getting uncomfortable and he let go of my hand. He that fake coughed.

"Well, I think after this game, we deserve food. Maybe some cheeseburgers and milkshakes, my treat."

*Back at the mansion*
All the boys were gathered around the pool. Some were swimming, others were just hanging out.

Theo stepped inside and then, returned with a card in his hands.

"Date card." He said and everyone turned to look at him. "Colton. 'Let me pamper you.'"

Theo handed Colton the card and he cheered for himself.

"Well this is exciting." Everyone chuckles with what he said.

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*Back on the group date*

We arrived at In-N-Out and went to the counter to get our food.
We all ended asking for a cheeseburger, fries and milkshakes. I got a chocolate one.

We sat on a booth, I was between Kyle and Cam. We were all eating until I heard someone speak.

"I think it is fascinating that you aren't afraid of eating what you want."

"Oh, yeah. You know, that is probably one of the things I hate the most in the entire world. I hate when people make the assumption that just because I'm a woman, I will only eat salads and fruits. I love me some salads and fruits, but I also love fatty foods and chocolate. I eat what I want, but I also have a limit." Everyone was staring at me.

"But I think that as women, you need to take care of your body, even if that means eating a salad everyday. They need to take care of themselves." Cam told us.

Was he calling me fat? Was he actually implying that we girls can't eat what we want? Was he saying that just because we are girls we should be skinny?

"Wait, I don't get what you are saying." Ronny told him. "Are you saying that girls should be skinny? What happens with girls that are not as skinny? Are you making the assumption that salad is just for girls?"

Cam looked somewhat angry and annoyed with Ronny. I need to know what was going on there.

"I just have one thing to say. Just remember that being skinny isn't always being healthy, there are multiple eating disorders. Some people struggle with their weight and they don't need someone stereotyping them."

As I was already done with my food, I stood up, emptied my tray on the trash can and returned to the table.

"Well guys, I'll see you later. Bye."

As I walked away, I could hear some of their conversation. Cam was going after Ronny.
I would definitely address that issue later in the night.
**Do you guys have ideas for dates? What should I do next?**

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