First Impression Rose

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After every guy was out of the limo I was extremely excited about getting to know them.

"So, Alanna, how are you feeling right now?" Chris asked me.

"You know, I was shocked. Some of them are really cute, some of them are kind of dorky and I like it. I can't wait."

"Well, this is your moment. Own it. Go. Good luck."

After Chris said that, I took a few seconds to gather my thoughts and think about the journey that was about to begin.

As soon as I entered the mansion, I was greeted by the cheering and applause of the guys.
Someone handed me my glass of wine and I started with a small speech.

"Hey guys! So first of all, I want to thank all of you for being here. I want to find love. I want to find someone with whom I will spend the rest of my life with. And I know in my heart that I will find that here. I know it is though putting yourself out there, but I also know that we will go through this experience together and I am extremely excited. I can't wait to get to know all of you. So cheers and lets have an amazing night."


"Hey, so do you want to go outside and talk for a little bit." Ronny was the first one to ask.

"Sure, lets go for it."

We went outside and we sat on a couch facing each other.

"First of all, let me tell you that you look stunning in that dress, it really brings your eyes out and you have gorgeous eyes."

"Oh my god thank you, you are such a gentleman. You don't look so bad yourself. So tell me a bit about yourself."

"Well, I grew up in Atlanta. That's where all my family is. I am really close to my family."

"Aw, I am really close to my family to, I love them."

"Yeah, same. Um.. well let me tell you that it wasn't like this for a very long time." He was kind of uncomfortable and I wanted to know why.

"Really?" I asked as I took his hand showing my support.

"Yeah, we have had some rough patches along the way. So, I have an older sister and she has always been my best friend, but one day, she met this guy that she fell for and it caused some problems in the house. Being the brother, I am super protective over her and getting to know the guy I started to see some red flags."

"Oh my."

"Yeah, he wasn't who he said he was, he cheated on my sister and apparently I was the only one who noticed. All my family was blindsided and I couldn't live with that, so I told them that he had them wrapped around his finger and they didn't like that. So they kicked me out of the house, they kind of locked me out of the family and it was heartbreaking to be honest."

"I can't imagine what you were feeling. That most have been terrible."

"And it was."

"So did you guys solve your issues? I'm guessing you did since you told me you are very close to them."

"We are still working on that. Um, this continued for like six months. They didn't talk to me. It wasn't until a few months later that they caught Nick cheating. They apologized for not believing in me and it hurt seeing my sister get her heart broken, but she is better off without him." He squeezed my hands and I took that as a signal that he didn't want to talk about that any more.

"So can I ask what they said when you told them that you were coming to the show?" I asked as I leaned into him a little more.

"Sure. So my mom is a big fan of the show. She never misses an episode and when I told her what I was doing she was super excited. It took more convincing with my dad and sister, but they support me all the way."

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