Week 3. One-on-one

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*At the mansion*
"Hey Liam, how are you feeling?" Jack F. asked him.

"Excited man. She is an amazing girl and I can't wait to spend time with her."

"What do you think you are doing today?"

"Something with a roller coaster."

"Do you like them?"

"Not really." He chuckled. "But for Alanna, I would do anything. She is a special girl."

"She is. She is something else." Jack agreed.

"Yeah." Liam sighed. "Well, it looks like I need to go. See you later guys."

*Alanna and Liam*

"Hello beautiful."

"Hey." I ran up to him and jumped. He caught me and I circled my legs on his waist. He gave me a sweet and tender kiss.

"I haven't seen you in sooo long."

"I know. I missed you."

"Me too. But we are together now, so it was worth the wait." He said with a smile on his face.

"Absolutely. So, I thought that for today we could do what my definition of a first date should be. We are going to a carnival."

"That's perfect."

"Shall we go?"

"Lets do it." We walked hand in hand, enjoying our presence. "What do you want to do first?"

"Can we go to that ring toss stand? I want to win a stuffed animal for you."

"Hey, it should be the other way around. I should be winning you stuffed animals."

"Yes well, I'm not a convencional girl." I winked at him as I started to run towards the game. He ran after me.

"Hey, gotcha." He whispered in my ear. He spun me around and planted a kiss on my lips. "Now, lets go win some teddy bears."

"Hmm, lets." With one last kiss, we made our way to the ring toss stand.

"Welcome to the Ring Toss Stand." The employee said. "Who is going to play?"

"Both of us." I said as Liam put his hand on the small of my back.

"Perfect. Well, the rules of this game are simple. You only have five rings and you need to toss them around the pegs. You need at least three for you to get a chance to choose a teddy bear. Are you ready?"

"We are." Liam said. "Good luck babe." He said to me as he kissed me. In that moment something in me melted. I liked the way he said 'babe'.

We took turns tossing our rings and when we were on our last one, we were tied two to two.

"Looks like you will lose."

"Hey now, maybe you could lose, you never know." he told me as he bumped my hip with his. "Ready?"

"Yes. Together?"

"Every time. On the count of three."


We both tossed our last ring and only mine entered the peg.

"YES! I'm sorry you lost, better luck next time.ñ I winked at him.

"I'll admit, you were pretty spectacular."

"Thank you." I gave him a kiss and turned to the stand employee who was smiling at us.

"Congratulations. Which animal do you want?"

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