Chapter 17

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It sure has been a while. I've returned with a slight rewind of events. Time to finish this!

        It had been years ago now, but Red had trained alongside Blue to become the champion of the Kanto region. Green and Yellow cheered the two of them on and hoped for the best. Blue was a prodigy and was easily able to get through the gyms in no time. Red was also a prodigy, but he took his time and made no attempt to hurry. It was simply the way things went. It was only a matter of fate that caused Blue to lose me the title of champion that he had just obtained.

        Red didn't lose them that day. It was later on down the line that he lost them. Blue became a little distant and Red made no attempt to go to him. "He just needs time," Red had thought, but that hadn't helped. Shortly afterwards was the arrival of Mewtwo. That pokémon is what caused him to lose Blue first. The two of them tracked the pokémon down, and of course Blue got there first.

        Blue lost the battle just barely being able to subdue the strong pokémon. Red saved him from Mewtwo's wrath and took him to a pokémon center so that he and his pokémon could recover. He never would have guessed that Blue would be angry with him for capturing Mewtwo for him. Red wanted to stop the harm that the pokémon was doing, so he didn't think Blue would care. Blue had rejected both Red and his gift of Mewtwo on the day he recovered.

        The interaction left Red in a bad mood so he'd gone to Green and Yellow, giving them the pokéball that Blue refused. "Keep this pokémon safe. Mewtwo seemed to have gone through a lot. Don't let any harm come to him," Red had told them. He was entirely unaware that Mewtwo had a personal grudge against a certain boy named Silver and a group called Team Rocket. If Red had known that, he would have kept Mewtwo far away from Green who considered the boy her only remaining family member.

         Then came Mt. Silver. It had only been to cool his head and think about things when he first visited it. The terrain gave himself and his pokémon a challenge, and the solitude was perfect for some time alone. He told no one of his trip and kept silent about it even when he had returned. No one noticed the first time, so maybe that's why he thought it would be okay to continue his trips. He couldn't have predicted that a strong blizzard would sweep through the mountain top and trap him there for days.

        That was how it had all started. That incident marked the beginning of how his friends drifted away from him, and how he found it more comfortable to be alone. All of this ran through Red's mind as he was fighting to stay awake in the care of his new friends. He had feared that they'd been killed by the overwhelming avalanche and had made up in his mind that he would never see them again. When he'd heard them, he had almost been certain that it was a fleeting remnant of his hope that they were still alive.

          It had been a pleasant surprise to see them and know that they were okay. He didn't want to lose anyone or anything else. "I have to protect them. They're counting on me." That thought accompanied him as Silver and (y/n) kept him stable through their travel. There wasn't enough room for Reshiram to carry them all. The blizzards had picked up making it all the more dangerous for them to travel, but they had no choice. They couldn't turn back having no choice but to move forward.

        "Red, how much farther do we have to go?" a girl he didn't know whined. He was unsure of how she knew his name, but she didn't seem to know of his inability to answer her. "Be quiet Crystal. We're almost there. Can't be too much further. Red confirmed that we only have about fifteen more minutes to go. We're almost to safety," (y/n) calmly informed. The girl named Crystal sighed but the sound was carried off in the wind.

        The boy, who Red knew was named Gold thanks to his name being called earlier, was silent the entire time. Red was unsure if that was normal for him so he made not attempt to ask about him. He wasn't in the condition for that anyway. For the remainder of the time, the kept moving through the bitter cold. In truth, Red hadn't really known how far away his home up in the mountains was, but he didn't want to worry anyone.

        By some miracle, perhaps the same one that had kept them alive, they came across the narrow path that led to the cavern he had made his home. Pika, who had been the one leading them due to Red's condition, ran ahead of them. "We must be close by," Silver noted to which Red nodded. They were saved for now. There was food, plenty of blankets, and potentially a fire avaliable.

        Reshiram ruined their sense of security with a cry of alarm. Red saw him first. His eyes were trained to spot things in the snowy terrain, so the purple stood out to him more than it did to the others. "No. No, no, no, please, no. We're almost there," he thought in frustration. He glared at the pokémon as if made its descent from the blizzard striken sky with a psychic barrier of protection around him.

        "It's that pokémon again," Gold said. They stopped where they were, but Reshiram did not. The legendary flame pokémon seemed determined to fight for them. Even so, Reshiram waited for someone to rise to the challenge. "We have no choice but to fight. There's no way I'm giving up now," Silver decided. Red was glad to see that he wasn't so saddened any longer. Mewtwo, however, could have cared less about them or their situation.

        "We have to at least send him back. That's the only way we'll find peace up here. He must have been waiting for us," (y/n) said. She glanced at Silver who nodded in agreement to whatever she was about to do. Red found it facinating that they could wordlessly communicate so well. "Gold, Crystal. Look after Red for a moment. We're going to fight him off," (y/n) spoke.

        "No, you aren't. I'll do it. You and Silver have been through enough and I'd be crazy to let the two of you fight another battle like this one. Last time we had to bend time to fix things. Crystal, if things get bad, throw aside that attitude of yours and help me out, please," Gold declared. He didn't give them any time to object him. The boy rushed ahead of them to face Mewtwo.

        "Gold wait! You can't just...!" Silver was saying but Red shook his head indicating for him to stop. Red had seen in Gold, if only for a moment, a small part of himself that he missed. That fighting spirit of his would at least carry him through the first part of the battle. "You sure Red? If anything happens to him..." (y/n) muttered. She seemed more worried about how Silver would take it if Gold were to get harmed or worse.

        There was no reason to ask that now. Mewtwo had already stopped in front of Gold who had his most trusted pokémon by his side to fight Mewtwo. He was not alone either. Reshiram would be fighting with him, so he had more than enough back up in case he needed it. "You've all doomed yourselves by climbing this mountain. Now you will all perish for defying me," Mewtwo announced. The battle had begun, and this time Gold was fighting it.

Sorry about the missing action. I was already planning to do a little backstory before my sudden halt. Next chapter will return soon. Until next time you miraculous readers!

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