Chapter 25

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And now I can start where I left off last...

        "There's no need for you to worry. I'm only a mere representation of the Ghetsis you would have wanted me to be rather than the one I was," Ghetsis spoke. (Y/n) didn't believe a single word. She already didn't want to see her adoptive father ever again, and having him show up at a time like this was not helping. "What do you want? You're here because of Mewtwo, right? I now none of this is real," (y/n) said despite the terror that kept her frozen in place.

        The Ghetsis she remembered had locked her away until her memories had been all but forgotten. He had betrayed both her and her siblings. She knew no other type of Ghetsis than the one that ruined her lie of a family. "Well for starters, I'd like for you to stop glaring at me. I'm not the bad guy here. I'm your father after all," he said.

        "Don't you dare. Don't ever call yourself that. You're dead to me," (y/n) hissed. She had overcome her fear just enough to refute his claims. "You and I both know that isn't true. I know everything about you. I meant it when I said I was a part of your mind. I'm just as real as N," Ghetsis said. He was unaffected by (y/n)'s denial.

        "You have no right to bring him up," (y/n) growled. She admired her brother more than anyone else in the world for having been able to immediately move on with his life after Ghetsis' backstabbing acts. They were related by blood, so (y/n) had always thought that the wound might have been worse.

        "Say what you wish, but it won't get you anywhere until you answer correctly. Isn't that boy counting on you?" Gehtsis struck another nerve with his words. "Why don't we talk a little more about what happened in Unova so you can finally get over it," he continued. (Y/n) fought the urge to cringe. "Trust me, I've long sense made amends with the past," (y/n) said. She was far less afraid now, but she was growing impatient.

        "If that's true, then why do you still hold on to that regret? When you witnessed the ineractions between Silver and Giovanni, there was a reoccurring regret that kept resurfacing at the back of your mind," he pointed out. There was nothing that (y/n) could say because he was right. "You say you're apart of my mind right? Then shouldn't you already know that the reoccurring thought has nothing to do with anything good?" (y/n) said.

        Ghetsis gave his usual maniacal grin. "Well of course I do. I'm merely here to help you fulfill that goal. I did say I was only a representation. You don't actually remember as much about me as you think you do. No matter. All you want to do is attack me with that power of yours. Am I wrong?" Ghetsis spoke. He was nowhere near being wrong. Many times when (y/n) had been reminded of Ghetsis' unfatherly deeds, she kept regaining her idea.

        "Just do it. This is your mind. All you need to do is think it, and it will happen," Ghetsis urged. It was tempting enough to fall for. (Y/n) thought of every terrifying or dangerous pokémon that she could easily picture in her head from the Unova and Kanto regions. One by one, they materialized by her side and all around the room. The pokémon ranged from the dark type Liepard to the deadly groynd type Rhyperior.

        "This is what you'd want to do if you ever found me again, is it not? If it weren't for that ability to control wild pokémon, you probably wouldn't have suffered so much. N could have taken your place," Ghetis taunted. It was all (y/n) needed to order the wild pokémon around her to maul Ghetsis to death, but a sudden hand on her shoulder stopped her.

        "(Y/n), don't listen to him. You have someone to save. Silver wouldn't want you to hurt anyone with your power like this." The voice belonged to N. (Y/n) quickly turned around to face him in surprise. His appearance was also a shock to Ghetsis who didn't know N was even there. "You! How are you here? You shouldn't be here!" Ghetsis' voice had morphed into Mewtwo's as he spoke.

        "Psychic ability functions in a similar way to our powers. This wouldn't be the first time I've done this. I'm just glad I got here in time," N answered. He was glaring at Ghetsis and kept his hand on his sister's shoulder. "If you give in to this feeling of bitterness, he'll turn you against Silver. That's how he got to everyone else he's taken control of," N explained. " stopped me just now," (y/n) muttered. She was still a little upset, but most of her initial anger had vanished along with the pokémon she had thought into existence.

        "Don't worry about it. That's what brothers are for. Now as for getting out of this illusion...I can help with that," N spoke. "Ghetsis is obviously the trigger, so all I'd need to do is...this." Behind N appeared Reshiram and Zekrom just as the other pokémon from earlier did. Ghetsis couldn't have escaped the two pokémon's combined attacks, but (y/n) wouldn't have known this. N had covered her eyes before she saw anything. No cries or anything came from Ghetsis, yet (y/n) could sense immense pain. It wasn't from Ghetsis since he was just an illusion.

        "Now you should be able to go back. Green doesn't have anything good planned for Silver. Her weakness is forgiveness. I wish I could be a good brother and help you, but this is all I can do for now. I'm counting on you, (y/n). Let your power guide you in the right direction," N said before he removed his hands from her eyes. "What does that even mean?" (y/n) reffered to what Green's weakness was, but when she turned around, N was gone.

        "'re already helping me like a good brother should. Thank you," she muttered with a bit of sadness. Team Plasma's original hideout began to crumble as the illusion faded away. (Y/n) closed her eyes as she waited to return to reality. When she opened her eyes again, she was lying on a couch in someone's home. Across from her on the other couch was Gold. He seemed to still be fighting his illusion, and hopefully he could beat it.

        "You're awake. You didn't say the password, so I'm assuming Mewtwo failed to trap you." It had been quite some time, but (y/n) recognized the voice. She quickly sat up and looked behind her to see who it was that had spoken. "Green..." (y/n) spoke. The girl sat in a chair that likely came from her table. Silver sat on the floor in front of her with his hands tied behind him. He looked terribly frightened as Green ran one of her hands through his hair.

        "You did all of this just to kidnap your own brother? What's wrong with you?" (y/n) said. The rims of Green's irises glowed with purple and she glared at (y/n). "Watch what you say. I'm only letting you stay yourself because your important to Silver. I want to know why you took an interest in this useless little red head," she snapped. She had pulled at Silver's hair a little causing him to wince.

        "Silver isn't useless. He's your brother. You of all people should realize his worth," (y/n) said as she got up from the couch. Surprisingly, Green let her approach but (y/n) didn't risk getting too close. "Is that what he made you believe? Silver left me here in Kanto to suffer. I lost stability when he abandoned me. Blue eventually came around to help me put things back together, but my own family left me to rot in sorrow. Then Mewtwo showed me his wrongs. I taught my brother everthing he knew, and he had the audacity to use those skills for a pokémon abuser," Green seethed.

        "I get that you're upset about that, but that's no reason to harm Silver. He's still your family," (y/n) said. She was starting to feel Green's anger amplify. "Lies. If Silver really cared, why didn't he come back sooner after his father casted him aside the first time?" Green growled. "You don't know what Silver had to go through in Kanto. His father wasn't the type to just let things go. I know that just as well as Silver does," (y/n) spat.

        "Forgiveness is her weakness." Her brother's words came to mind again, but (y/n) had no idea how that could help. Who was supposed to be forgiven and how? Green's thoughts were fixated on the single wrong that she felt Silver had done. It was entirely unfair. "But I won't have to worry about that any longer. Because I'm going to make sure Silver can never hurt any people or pokémon ever again," Green said.

         The door to her home opened and Red stepped through with Mewtwo behind him. (Y/n) felt absolute defeat upon seeing that Red had also been taken control of. "I heard you have powers. I can't have you trying to turn my precious pokémon against me...but I'm curious. If you really think Silver is worth saving, then stop me," Green said with a smirk.

Yeah I'm going to just...start on the next chapter. Until next time you epic readers!

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