Chapter 28

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I got nothin...but a yeah...

        Another morning in Viridian City's pokémon center greeted (y/n) with one of the most heartwarming sights she had ever seen. Silver was asleep with his head resting on one side of her bed while N did the same on the other side of her bed. (Y/n) had long since gotten better after her overuse of power back in Pallet Town, but Silver and N had both insisted on taking turns in looking after her until she could go home. Apparently, they couldn't decide who would take watch on the last day and had both decided to stay overnight with her.

        After three days of unconciousness and nearly two weeks of recovery, (y/n) was finally being discharged from the pokémon center. No one in Kanto other than those involved with the incident knew that (y/n) had been responsible for the brief unnatural phenomenon that took place. A lot had happened while she was there, and she was eager to return to a proper bed and get proper rest in the comfort of her own home.

        N had cleared things up with the authorities regarding the missing children posters that had still been in use to located them. Her brother also asked some of the pokémon involved in the incident to help with the reconstitution. Red's mother had offered for Silver and N to stay with her, and Red made them accept her offer.

        Speaking of the mostly silent boy, he had a nice little reunion with his mother. (Y/n) was upset to have missed the emotional occasion. According to Silver, Red had the whole group in tears. "Are you going to watch me like this all morning?" N asked. His voice sort of startled (y/n). "I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" she said. Her brother sat up from the side of her bed and stretched before shaking his head. "Not exactly. It was more like a feeling. Tabunne sort of woke me," he admitted.

        (Y/n) looked to the pokéball that Silver held. Tabunne had kept her in the best condition possible until (y/n) was admitted into the pokémon center. Ever since then, the healing pokémon had stayed in her pokéball. N and (y/n) had both talked to Tabunne to figure out why, but she refused to give them a clear answer other than "not in Kanto". It seemed poor Tabunne was tired of the dangerous region.

        "Is Silver alright? He didn't stay awake too late last night did he?" (y/n) questioned. "He's fine. I made sure he went to sleep before it got too late. He seemed more excited about going home today than anyone," N said with a smile. Just then, the door to (y/n)'s room opened to reveal some familiar faces. "Long time no see, kid! How are ya?" Blue said as he entered the room with Red and Yellow tagging along behind him.

        "I'm not a kid, and you just saw me a few days ago," (y/n) said. Blue and Red were on much better terms after Green pulled her stunt. The two of them had come to terms with ehatever had happened between them. Even if Blue hadn't been entirely himself when he was with them, (y/n) was able to tell that some of those feeling he had been displaying were true. It was nice to see them interact as good friends after what happened.

        "Why'd it get so noisy all of a sudden," Silver quietly complained as he rose from the side of (y/n)'s bed. "Sorry, Silver. We were just dropping by for one last visit. You guys are all leaving today, right? We didn't want to miss the opportunity," Yellow explained. Silver merely nodded since he was still half asleep. "We brought gifts," Blue added. Red had indeed been holding the gifts they brought with them.

        "Don't worry about it at all. Just think of them as rewards for your hard work. You saved us. It wasn't just our minds that you gave back to us, but also our friendship. Thanks to you, we're all back to normal again. We're really appriciative," Yellow thanked. (Y/n) met Red's gaze who gave a simple nod, but she was able to interpret the many things he wanted to say to her.

        "Are we late to the party or is it just getting started?" Gold spoke as he also joined the guests. "You're jokes are so awful," Crystal commented. "You're jokes are far worse," Gold shot back. "But none of them are jokes," Crystal deadpanned. (Y/n) could sense a slightly different chemistry between them. It was almost as if their friendship had also drastically improved thanks to the events that happened. (Y/n) didn't want to jump to conclusions, but maybe Gold was finally able to get his feelings across to Crystal at some point during her recovery.

        "I'm glad you two decided to stay with us until now. It's good to have you two as friends," Silver spoke. He was wide awake now and fully aware of what was going on. "Don't get all sappy on us, Silver. That's all weird," Gold said, but it was obvious that he took the gratitude to heart. It was nice to see everyone there...but one person was missing. Silver must have immediately caught on to what (y/n) was thinking when he met her gaze.

        He shook his head at her ever so slightly. He was alright. His emotional state was stable and in far better condition than before. "Excuse me...I don't want to inturpt such a lively gathering, but I'll need to take (y/n) for a few exams before we sign her release forms," a nurse said as she peaked into the room. "It won't take long, I promise."

        Just as the nurse said, she did a few checkup tests to make sure (y/n) was in peak condition and returned her to her room. Everyone was still waiting for her with their smiles and positivity. It was almost unreal. "(Y/n), are you okay?" N asked in worry. He wasn't the only one that was suddenly concerned. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. She just did a few health checks," she muttered in response.

        "You're crying..." Silver noted. He seemed to already understand why although his own worry was still present. "I didn't realize. I just thought that it's been a while since I've been around so many people like this who are all happy. It's feels good to be cared about," (y/n) said. She quickly wiped away her stray tears. These people, even though she didn't know a few of them as well as she wanted to, had given her the atmosphere that only a family could provide. Kanto had been a nightmare, but this would certainly be a moment (y/n) wouldn't forget.

Yeah next chapter is the last chapter. That's a definite. Until next time you spectacular readers!

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