Chapter 21

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Sorry about being so late with this chapter. Sorta kinda got stuck for a bit, but I figured it out.

        No one moved. Everyone stared at Crystal who had failed to answer Silver's question. The question had caught (y/n) by surprise because she hadn't been paying attention to Crystal very much. She had been focused on Silver and then Gold who had nearly died. Not to mention the appearance of Mew. Silver must have noticed something when she hadn't been keeping an eye on the usually salty girl.

        "You noticed so quickly. I've barely had time to recover all of this body's memories," Crystal spoke. She still kept her smirk as she stood there practically unaffected by Silver calling her out. "Recover memories? What's that even mean?" Gold asked. He seemed the most affected by Silver's discovery. The betrayal seemed to deeply hurt him.

        "(Y/n) knows what I mean. N couldn't keep his mouth shut. I'd have killed him, but Green only wants two specific people dead. Besides, the more bait, the more you'll fight," Crystal said, but it wasn't really her speaking. Now that (y/n) knew for sure that Mewtwo was always the one in control, she realized that Crystal was nothing more than a medium for communication now.

        "Is that what you were going to tell us, (y/n)?" Silver asked her. He was ignoring Mewtwo's taunts. "Yeah but there's more. It will be better to get this situation under control first before I say anything else," (y/n) replied. Crystal narrowed her eyes in unease.

        "You think it's possible to stop me? Yellow had been misleading you right into my trap. You pests just proved to be more annoying than I expected. It wasn't an entirely worthless trip. I gained this pawn in the process. Her mental state collapsed when the one called Gold stepped forward to challenge me. It was easy to fool her. Her desires were easy to figure out," Crystal said. It was odd to hear her speak about herself in such a way even if (y/n) was aware that she wasn't really the one speaking.

        "Mewtwo forgets that Mew is here. Mew will not let Mewtwo win," Mew spoke. Until then, the legendary pokémon had simply been observing, yet those words had no affect on Mewtwo. Crystal laughed as if the claim was invalid. "Mew, your power does not exceed my own. There is nothing you can do to stop me. It's such a shame that you are unable to understand my goal, but that is to be expected. You weren't the one trapped in a facility and experimented on," Crystal said.

        (Y/n) saw Silver tense up at the mentioning of the facility. "I'm sorry about what happened there. I was blinded by my father's lies and I helped do bad things to you. You're after me, right? No one else from Team Rocket is as responsible as me, right?" Silver said. Crystal looked at him blankly.

        "You misunderstand. I never wanted an apology from you. That type of thing is meaningless. Green was unaware of your involvement with that place, so she was more than willing to leave you at my mercy when she found out. We simply have a common goal although part of hers has nothing to do with me," Crystal spoke. She looked at Red when she refered to Green's other objectives.

        "Why go thorough all pf this trouble to go after two people? Why would you go as far as taking control of people?" Gold growled. He seemed pretty upset, but he kept his expression as neutral as he could. Crystal looked at him with a smile. "Gold, right? This girl has memories that suggest she is imortant to you. Both of you were there on the day I was freed. I had no intention to harm either of you, but you both got in my way," Crystal said. It was unnerving to see her smile like that.

        "Give Crystal back. We'll bring Silver to you, just give Crystal back," Gold said. (Y/n) shot him a threatening look and stepped forward in case she needed to fight. "All of this is happening because you want Silver and some other person, right? So if we bring you Silver, you'll let us all go. We won't have to be on the run anymore like some kind of outlaws. We could go home," Gold realized.

        "Gold, you better choose your next words carefully," (y/n) warned. He looked at her in apology. "I know. It sounds like I'm turning traitor, right? But just think about it. We have no other options. We don't know who else Mewtwo has on his side. I don't even know who Yellow is. We'd be stuck out here fighting for our lives if we don't turn Silver in," Gold reasoned.

        He was mostly correct. That was what scared (y/n) the most. All of the suffering and stuggling they had gone through would simply continue the more they refused to comply with Mewtwo's wishes. "It's okay. I'll go. I have to," Silver said. (Y/n) was about to protest, but Silver shook his head at her. "Green is there. I'll get to talk to her and sort things out," he said. It was then that (y/n) realized what Gold had done.

        Essentially, it was bound to happen anyway. They had to find Green and face her. That was what Silver and (y/n) had decided between the two of them. Gold must have simply figured out that Green was the one they needed to be talking to, not Mewtwo. According to Mewtwo, Green was calling most of the shots. They had to go along with things from there on out.

        "Mew thinks Silver shouldn't go. It's not right. Mewtwo is not planning anything good. You all know that and still want to go?" Mew intervened. The legendary had floated in front of Silver to block Crystal. "It's okay Mew. I'll be fine. I just need to talk to Green," Silver said to reassure the pokémon. Mew was unaware of the details of their situation which would make things a little complicated if Mewtwo was going to continue watching them through Crystal.

        "You foolish being. Green wants nothing more than to see your demise. Talking to her will do nothing. Just face the facts. You are worthless. You've betrayed everyone who was close to you. You know nothing of what a real life is like. It wouldn't be satisfactory to end things yourself, so I'll put you out of your misery," Crystal said. (Y/n) shot forward and slapped her immediately afterwards.

        "I don't care if it's Mewtwo talking. I'm not going to let you say something like that," she snapped. Silver had been through enough. He needed peace in his life and it was about time he got it. "I'm only going to agree with Gold because that's what Silver wants, but if you say another thing about him like that, I'll make sure you wish you were still in Team Rocket's lab," (y/n) added.

        She was done with this entire situation. She also wanted to go home, and she wanted Silver back to his normal self. The entire trip to Kanto had turned into a disastrous train wreck. "If that was a threat, I'm assuming you wish to be annihilated as well. I've already had to deal with you once. It would be foolish for you to oppose me," Crystal said.

        "Where do we meet you and Green?" Silver asked before (y/n) could say or do anything else. He knew her well enough to tell that she was getting tired of Mewtwo's talking. "If you go to Pallet Town, Green should be there waiting for you," Crystal answered. Of course it had to be Pallet Town. For some reason, (y/n) could tell that this particular location held a lot of significance.

        "Will you continue to listen to use Crystal?" Gold asked. Crystal said nothing in response. Again, her smirk showed as Mewtwo made the answer all too clear. "I knew it. I have no choice. Crystal, I'm sorry about this," (y/n) muttered. Before Crystal could react, she was knocked out. (Y/n) only hit her hard enough to keep her unconscious.

        "What was that for?! I needed to ask who Yellow was," Gold complained as he caught Crystal before she could fall. "Red. You know where Yellow is, don't you? Could you tell us what happened. I wanted to ask, but I was afraid to," Silver spoke. He and (y/n) both wanted to know where Yellow was. Neither had said anything since so much had happened, but they also didn't want to know the answer to their lingering question.

        Now that (y/n) was aware of Yellow using them the whole time...or rather Mewtwo using her the whole time, she wanted to know what happened. Mewtwo had been acting as Yellow so well. It was terrifying to know that Yellow had never really been there. The whole forest incident was a set up and now they were cornered. Red began to give off a strong emotion of regret. Something had certainly happened to Yellow, but what?

Yeah I didn't forget about Yellow. I was waiting for the right time to bring her back into things. Until next time you spectacular readers!

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