Chapter Four: Who needs a title

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I woke up feeling more refreshed than ever before, I even woke up before my alarm clock. I looked at my phone and realized I woke up before my alarm clock, wow that's a first. Maybe I'm just excited about being in Florida. I got up, picked out my outfit and walked into my massive bathroom. I turned the hot water on in the shower and the water poured out of all three of the shower heads. Wow, I can get used to this. I stepped in to the water and let it just run over me, washing off all the confusion from the night before. I stepped out and put my clothes on, getting ready for my day. I walked downstairs and sat at the island between the kitchen and the dining room. I saw my mom bent over in the fridge. "Good morning mom, how did you sleep in the new house?" The woman stood up, and it wasn't my mom. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?" I jumped up to run to get my mom and dad, just when my mom came running in. "Sweet heart it's okay, she's supposed to be here. She works here."

Works here? What is this? "Works here? What do you mean, what jobs are available here?" My mom laughed. "It's part of the pack hierarchy. The Beta and Alpha house has members who come in and do jobs that need done in or around the house. Like Martha here, she's in charge of meals for the day. She's making breakfast for us this morning. All you have to do is tell her what you want." This is crazy, I went from having no food in my actual mother's house to having a personal chef in our new house. "I'm sorry Martha, I didn't mean to scream at you or upset you. I'm new to this, I don't understand everything yet. But I promise I'm trying to learn." Martha smiled at me. "It's okay young Alpha, I understand. It's a lot to take in, if there's anything you need or need help with don't hesitate to ask me for help. Now what can I get you for breakfast?"

I smiled at Martha, she's super sweet. "I would love some cheesy eggs, toast, bacon, and grits please." Martha smiled and went to work. Boston and dad came down and ordered their food, no surprise it was the same thing as me and mom. Mornings would be easy on Martha and she doesn't even realize it yet, we eat this every morning. We got done and I went to clear the dishes for Boston to wash them and Martha stopped us. "It's okay loves, I'll take care of them no problem. Go enjoy your day. I will see you all for dinner. Tonight will be steak and shrimp, with mashed potatoes, asparagus, and a house salad." Boston and I looked at each other, and then looked at our parents. "Come on kids, it's time to go school shopping. Plus we have a surprise for you guys." Boston and I ran and jumped in the car. I wonder what the surprise could be. I looked at Boston, and Boston was looking at me, both of us equally confused.

We drove about 20 minutes in the opposite direction as last night, I was hoping there would be a mall of some sort in this little town. It seemed like there was nothing but lakes that stretched for miles upon miles, nothing but one lake after another. Some were bigger than others, people were boating on those. Then there were the little marshy ones, where I assumed the alligators roamed. Before I knew it dad had made a left hand turn into a somewhat civilized area. In front of me was the nicest outdoor mall I have ever seen, I think they called it an outlet. The front had a water fountain that spewed water at least ten feet in the air. Dad parked the car, and Boston and I jumped out to make a run for the water fountain.

We heard them laughing behind us at how excited we were. "Boston I dare you to jump in the fountain!" He looked at me mischievously. "Oh ya? Is that a legitimate dare?" I stuck my hand out to shake his. "You bet it is! Usual wager?" He laughed and shook my hand. Our usual wager was if he made it in before our parents yelled I would clean his room for a week. If he doesn't make it in before they yell he has to clean my room for a week. Just as he turned to jump you heard our mother's voice. "BOSTON JACOB GERBER! Don't even think about it!" He turned around and saw me grinning. "To think all these clothes are going to need put away when we get home. Oh how you're in for is Boston." He shook his head and claimed I cheated somehow. Our parents caught up to us and we continued on to find somewhere to get some clothes. I was hoping to find a spencer's or hot topic.

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