Chapter 11: Family

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The phone rang twice before Jaxx answered. "I was so worried about you, you weren't at the house no one knows where you are. Just tell me where you are and I'll come get you don't worry about it. I'm sorry I'm being such an ass I don't know how to handle this mate thing, it's really hard. I want to see you happy but I don't want anyone close enough to you to be able to hurt you. Just please tell me where you are I'm already getting in my car." He finally stopped talking. "Hey, I'm fine. I ended up running home and running into my dad. He wanted to talk over lunch so I went with him. We ended up going to his house and talking about a lot of stuff. But that's why I wanted to call you. My Enisi is here and she wants to meet you!" He paused for a second. "Princess what in the hell is an Enisi?" I giggled forgetting people don't call their grandparents that normally. "It's the Cherokee word for my paternal grandmother. She wants to meet you." He paused for a second then sighed. "Send me the address babe and I'll be right there. But I hope you know tomorrow I'm taking you to meet someone too." We hung up and I sent him my location.

It took him 20 minutes for him to get to my father's house. He called me. "Princess I'm outside. Can you come out and talk to me before I come in?" "Of course, here I come." I hung up and made the journey to go outside. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach from the argument we had earlier. I felt really bad about just running away like that. I should have stayed and talked to him, he sounded really scared on the phone. I made it out the door and he was already at the top of the steps. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug immediately. "You have no idea how scared I was. I thought something happened to you, or that you were going to run away from me. I didn't know what to do, or where to look. I was so lost." He just held me close and breathed my scent in, calming himself down. "I didn't think, I didn't realize that it would affect you that much. I was hurt, and a little angry. I'm not use to this whole thing and I wasn't raised around it. I don't know what I'm working with here. The only mates I ever saw were the Gerber's and they acted like regular human couples. They act different than mates. Your super over protective, and always make sure I'm okay. Humans don't do that, not on that scale. You have to bear with me here. Just promise you're not going to go off and find a better mate."

By the time I was finished I had tears patiently waiting to fall from my eyes. I know he's is going to try to go find a better mate if I don't figure this out soon. I wouldn't blame him, even though it caused a pain in my chest to think of him with someone else. He pulled away to look at my face. "Princess, that's not how this works. I don't get to just decide to go find another mate, you're stuck with me. There is nobody else who could be my mate, or yours for that matter. I'm not going anywhere, and I don't want you to think that I am. I promise I'm not going to hurt you, nor am I leaving you." He placed a kiss on my forehead and my heart leaped at his words. "Promise?" I held out my pinky and he laughed. "Promise." He put his pinky out to link with mine like little kids.

Just then my grandmother opened the door. "Are you going to invite him in or am I going to have to come out here. Let's go diniyoli, I'm not getting any younger." He looked at me confused. "What did she call us?' I laughed but she yelled back before I could answer. "It means children, now let's get a move on it." I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the door. "She's just how I remember her being." I giggled at his face, you could tell she scared him a little. We made our way to the living room where she was already seated. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" I sighed. "Enisi this is my mate Jaxx, Jaxx this is my Enisi." He bowed his head respectfully to her. "Oh non sense ayoli come give me a hug we are family now." He looked at me confused again, he is going to be learning a lot of Cherokee being around my grandmother.

None the less he walked over and gave her a hug. "Umm, Enisi?" "Yes child?" He looked between us both before he answered. "What does ayoli mean?" She sighed. "I'm going to give you a book to learn Cherokee. It means child." He looked to contemplate it for a second. "I thought diniyoli meant child." She shook her head. "Diniyoli means children as in plural, ayoli means child as in singular. It's a complex language. I talk with both so you're really going to have to learn to keep up." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes I am, you said something about a book. Where can I get one?" She pointed to the book shelf behind her and he hurriedly went over to scope out his first lesson. She nudged me with her elbow. "He's a cute kid, the mood goddess looked out for you with him. He will have strong genes and that means ugodidi ulanigida usdi waya." My faced blushed. I wasn't even thinking about that I was too young. Jaxx looked back at our conversation, of course he could pick up on it with his advanced hearing. "Enisi what does ugodidi ulanigida usdi waya mean?" She looked at him and held her chin up proud. "It means many strong baby wolves." She was proud her lineage was going to be strong after her. "The ancestors will be pleased."

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