Chapter 22

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I followed Lindsay up to the room she was staying in. "I have the perfect outfit for you to wear!" I rolled my eyes. "Ya well I have no idea where I'm going. Any chance you'll give me a clue?" I looked at her hopeful. She just shook her head and threw some clothes at me. "What size shoe do you wear?" I grabbed the clothes and headed for the bathroom. "A 7." Is all I said before heading into the bathroom.

I looked down staring at the outfit she had given me in the mirror. What was she thinking? "Come out Rox you been in there for 10 minutes!" Lindsay called out. "You can't be serious! Is this the only thing you have that I can borrow?"

I twisted my eyebrows trying to figure out a way to make the skirt longer. "Just come out and let me see you!" She called back. I let out an exhausted sigh. There was no way I'm getting out of this. I took one last glance in the mirror. The black leather skirt hugged my ass so tight I swear it didn't leave room to breath. The red top she gave me hung low on my front, letting a little more cleavage show than I was fond of. But the black leather jacket she paired it with made it all really come together.

I stepped out into her room, she had her arms crossed ready to say something when she stopped. "Wow girl you pull that outfit off better than I ever could!" I pulled at the bottom of the skirt a few more times. "You don't think it's to short? I feel like a biker hooker." My eyes grew wide realizing I just called an out Lindsay gave me a hookers outfit. "Not that you give off that vibe. I just...I'm just...going to stop talking because apparently I'm an ass." I shift uncomfortably where I stood.

Lindsay just busted out laughing. "No girl your good that was the exact vibe I wanted when I bought this outfit! I'm just glad to see that my taste hadn't gone unnoticed." She wiped a few tears from her face. "Okay now come sit down, I don't have much time." I did as she said and sat in the vanity seat. Lindsay started to work diligently. She put soft curls into my hair, following some light blush, eye liner, mascara, and a red and black Smokey eye look. She finished it off with some red lipstick. She handed me the red bottom heels that sat next to the vanity I was sitting at.

"Girl if I wasn't already mated I'd be fighting Jaxx for a piece of you." My cheeks ran red at the thought. "Stop it your not even gay." I said shyly. Lindsay laughed and winked at me. "You don't know what I like." My mouth gaped open at her before she busted out in laughter again. "Oh girl you should have seen your face! It was priceless! Now go on, don't keep my poor tortured brother waiting any longer." With that I turned to walk out, but not before Lindsay smacked my ass. I jumped and let out a little yelp before turning and glaring daggers at her.

It must be the pregnancy hormones. Ya that's it. I made my way down the steps, with great struggle may I add. This was not easy. I made it to the bottoms of the stair way without breaking my neck. I was so busy trying not to fall that I hadn't noticed the group of people that were standing in the hallway.

It wasn't until I heard a low growl that I looked up to meet they eyes of so many unmated males. Geez this just wasn't my day. I stopped worrying when I caught the most wonderful scent in my life, I knew it was my mate coming to my rescue. God he infuriated me sometimes, but I can't help how he makes me feel. Stupid bond.

"You know if I knew Lindsay was going to dress you in something like this I would have planned a day in my room instead." My face heated up, I knew I was blushing. "Okay enough, get me off my feet before I break my neck." He shrugged, and before I realized what mistake I made he threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down Jaxx my ass is going to hang out! This skirts way to short!"

My screams did nothing to this guy. "Well if anyone wants to live to see the next few minutes I suggest them not look at your ass then cause I like the view from here." With that he smacked my ass, earning him a growl from me. Oh ya two can play that game. I reached my hand as far back as I could and slammed in down onto his ass. I heard the defining crack of my skin on his even through his pants. I smiled at myself. "Oh princess I'm going to get you back for that. Don't you worry." I gulped are his words.

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