Authors note

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Hey everybody! I want everyone to know that I will be updating tomorrow. I forgot my phone at someones house, so once i can get it ill update. I'm so excited about this book. I will say this book is coming to an end soon. I have started on the second book, so be on the look out! It's going to be called The Fallen. I'll be posting the first chapter by the end of the week! AHHHHH SO EXCITING!! Thank you so much to everybody who has supported me along the way, you are so very appreciated. I want to give a special shout out to two very important people. Firstly, my nana. She downloaded wattpad and figured out how to work it just to read my books, I love you nana. Secondly, my friend Miranda. Yes the character was based off of her because she's that amazing! She has been pointing out places that need edited, places that could use more detail, and places that could slow down a bit, love ya girl. You two are amazing, honestly. But be on the look out for the nest installment of Rox and Jaxx's journey. I promise it is just getting good.

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