Chapter 13: Jaxx P.O.V

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One second she was next to me and the next she was gone. Fuck, I should have been holding her hand or something. How could I let her slip away? She doesn't understand how unmated wolves are, she's pretty, funny, short, and built in all the right ways. I have to let everyone know my mate is here. 'My mate is here, nobody give her alcohol. She doesn't need to be shit faced.' I get resounding 'Okay Alpha' through the mind link sent out to all my younger pack members. Where could she be? As I was pushing my way through the crowds I had people stopping me to talk about my mate. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my best friend and future beta dancing with some girl I knew was one of the pack sluts.
Before I could walk away he caught me. "Bro!" He ditched the girl and ran over to me, earning him one of those annoying whines that girls do. When he got to me he was drunk off his ass already, and stumbled into one of those bro hugs. "Bro I thought you weren't coming! You know Jade's been asking where you were, she's digging you man! She's easy too, you better take that to bed tonight!" He smacked my back and I just glared at him. "Bro my mates here, I'm trying to find where she ran off to. She's the only girl sleeping in my bed from now on. I don't care about Jade or any other girl for that matter." He looked at me shocked. "Bro your whipped already? You don't even want a final parting ways night with Jade?" I shook my head. "Nope, I only want my mate. She's amazing bro wait till you meet her." He gave me another one of those bro hugs before he mumbled something about 'well he's not whipped so he's gonna go enjoy himself'. He turned back to where the girl was and she was gone. I seen him shrug before pulling another girl to him who happily went along with it. I laughed and shook my head at him, Gavin's a mess.

I turned back around to go find my mate. I guess I spun around to fast because I turned right into the last person I wanted to see. "Oh there you are my big bad alpha." Jade said as she ran her hand down my chest. If this happened before Rox came around I might have been into it, but I knew my mate wouldn't like it. "Jade I have found my mate, don't ever touch me like that again." I grabbed her hands and pushed them away from me. She pouted at me. "Well then where is she? Cause last I checked everyone's dancing, so if she isn't dancing with you she must be dancing with someone else." I teamed up at her words knowing they were probably true.

"Come on Jaxx, just dance with me it won't hurt nobody." She turned around before I could say anything and was dancing on me. She was right, Rox is probably dancing with someone else. One dance won't hurt, right? I slowly started to move along to the music with Jade. A few minutes passed before I felt eyes burning into the side of my head. I looked over and seen Rox standing on the stairs looking straight at me. Her face was a mix of pain and anger. Fuck! I totally fucked up! "Rox!" I shoved Jade away from me and went to run after my mate. She was taking the steps three at a time. Jade grabbed my wrist. "Jaxx let her go, we weren't done." She pushed her bottom lip out, any other male would have been all over her. "Don't ever touch me again Jade! Ever!" I pushed her hand off of my wrist and ran up the steps.

I saw my door slam shut and knew it was her. I could smell her scent mixed with alcohol, she didn't smell like another male so I knew she wasn't dancing with one. Fuck I really messed up. I knocked on the door lightly trying to be soothing, I could feel how upset she was and I just wanted to go calm her down. "Princess let me in, please. I'm so sorry I didn't realize you would be so upset." She was quiet for a second before she answered me. "I wanted to dance and you told me no then I see you dancing with that hoe! I don't care if you were dancing with her but why couldn't you'd mace with me! Is it because of her? Do you want her? Then go have her Jaxx cause I'm not going to compete with the likes of her! I won't downgrade myself for it!" I sighed and rested my head against my door. How do I fix this? I sat there for a second lighting tapping my head against the door. Some people passed by giggling things like the 'slut get you in trouble with your mate huh' and 'looks like lover boys in the dog house tonight.' I didn't like either of the statements and I let a growl off letting them know they better move along. I sighed at the door again, I could feel my anger boiling. "I will take this door off the hinges if you don't come let me in. Matter of fact I'll bust this whole door down!" I winced at the way my voice sounded, I didn't want to be like this with her but she was really testing me. My wolf was on edge knowing she was upset on the other side of the door. I heard her slowly shuffle her feet, then the sound of the lock. I went to open the door when she sung it open. I was shocked at how angry she was. She shoved past me and was making her way to the steps. I ran after and and went to grab her hand to turn her around. When I pulled her around she almost fell down the steps. I cursed at myself and grabbed her before she got hurt. She was drunk, how I told everyone not to give her any alcohol. Where do you think your going? "Your drunk, you can't go anywhere." She looked like she was dizzy for a second before she composed herself, god she's so cute. She stepped away from the stairs and I tried to position myself between them so she would fall without me holding her. She crossed her arms at me.

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