Chapter 12: a party

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There was no way I could argue with him. He was still so angry and I didn't know why. "Jaxx? Talk to me what's wrong?" He squeezed my hand a little tighter trying to get comfort. I could tell it wasn't working cause he just kept getting more tense, I could see his wolf struggling to come out in his eye. Suddenly he pulled the car over, unbuckled me, and dragged me over to his side of the car. He placed me on his lap again and put his head in my shoulder, slowly breathing in my scent. I just wrapped my arms around him and let him take his time. We sat there for a good 5 minutes before he lifted his head to speak. "He has no right to speak to you like that. You are not his daughter, you are not his equal, and you damn sure are not his mate. It made me so angry that he wasn't respecting you like you deserve, as your mate it's my job to make sure that everyone respects you. Nobody is above it, you are an alpha and you will be treated as such. That's why I honestly hate that you live at the beta house. I see Boston doesn't give you the respect you deserve. He sees you as his equal and that's not how this works no matter how close you guys are. It physically can't work like that because then the chain of command would be confused." I took everything in that he was saying and just nodded my head. "So why did you get mad all over again? I thought you had calmed down before we drove off?" I pulled back a little more to look at his face. "I get angry easily, it's a werewolf thing. When my wolf is challenged he wants me to rip people apart, if I don't he stews in his own anger for a while. Even talking about it makes him more angry. So when you brought up the fact I was still angry, it made him stew in his anger more. I don't know why it's like that, honestly sometimes it sucks. But I have had to learn to deal with it. Your the only person I could never stay mad at, well you and our future diniyoli." He smirked at me. I looked down at him and smiled at the Cherokee word he used." You know you might be okay, keep learning those Cherokee words and you might actually stay on my grandmothers good graces." We both laughed and he helped me back over to my seat, of course buckling me in himself. He continued to drive until we got to his house, it took us 20 minutes to get there seeing as he goes the exact speed limit when I'm in the car.

"Why can't you go faster? This cars meant to go fast!" He sighed not wanting to have this conversation again. "I told you, I'm not putting your life in danger just for you to get an adrenalin rush." I crossed my arms and let out a puff of air in frustration. I mumbled "ya we'll wait till I drive." I know he heard me, but he was choosing to ignore it, smart boy cause I was ready for the argument. I finally looked up at his house, it was huge like my fathers house but a little bigger. This house was made almost completely of glass, every room had windows the size of walls, the stairs were made of marble, and the shape of the building was more abstract than traditional. "Wow your house is beautiful!" I exclaimed. Jaxx laughed and put his arm around me. "This is our pack house, all the young wolves like to stay here once they shifted, there's no curfew, meals are made and ready for them to eat family style at certain times, and it's not as regulated as their parents house. It's a sense of freedom, they can take their wolves running whenever they want." I contemplated this for a second. "So my luck has one of these pack houses?" He nodded his head to answer, as if he knew what I was thinking. "Don't even think about it, you can not move into your pack house by yourself with all those in mated boys running around. I wouldn't be comfortable." He tightened his arm around me as we walked through the front doors. I couldn't understand why he wouldn't be comfortable, and then it hit me. We walked in to an overgrown frat house. People were partying and drinking and music was blasting. Males and females were grinding all up on each other. This was not my scene, but it looked kind of fun. "Babe can we please hang out down here I want to dance!" I held my hands together and stuck my bottom lip out pouting, hoping I would get what I want. "No." He wouldn't even look at me. I crossed my arms angry that he wouldn't come dance with me. I had a bright idea though. I looked around and saw we were getting to a thick part in the crowd. I'd make my move there. As we approached I saw my opening, as we walked past I slipped between the bodies of the people dancing drunkenly. I made it to the kitchen before I bumped into a hard body. "Oh excuse me I'm trying to get a drink." I looked up and noticed it was max. I smiled at the big brute. "Hey max! I didn't realize you would be here." He smiled for the first time since I met him. "Ya my best friend is in this pack and he told me they were having a rager so I had to come over and check it out." I hadn't noticed he made me a drink till he handed it out. "Thanks max!" I downed the drink and held it out for another one. "Well damn you drink like you belong in a trailer park." We both started cracking up, but none the less he held me out another drink. I'm the span of the 10 minutes I stood there talking to max I had about 6 drinks. I was feeling a little tipsy. "I'm going to go find Jaxx he's probably mad as fuck at me!" Max nodded before taking my empty cup from me. I fought me way back through the crowd and started climbing the stairs. I turned around to look over the crowd to see if I saw him. Sure enough I did, I went to wave at him before I noticed what he was doing. He was dancing with some trashy girl, her ass was grinding all on him. Before I could move we locked eyes and he suddenly came too. Realizing what he was doing he pushed the girl away and ran after me. I could hear him calling my name over the crowd but I wasn't stopping. I ran up a few flights of stairs and turned into the first bedroom I could. I slammed and locked the door, it was quiet up here. You couldn't hear the music, but you could feel the base. Suddenly Jaxx was at the door to the room I was in. "Princess let me in, please. I'm so sorry I didn't realize you would be so upset." I sat on the bed which smelled familiar. Looking around I noticed pictures of Jaxx everywhere, this must be his room. "I wanted to dance and you told me no then I see you dancing with that hoe! I don't care if you were dancing with her but why couldn't you'd mace with me! Is it because of her? Do you want her? Then go have her Jaxx cause I'm not going to compete with the likes of her! I won't downgrade myself for it!" I heard him sigh, some people passed by and made joking comments like "the slut get you in trouble with your mate huh" or "looks like lover boys in the dog house tonight" both statements getting growls. "I will take this door off the hinges if you don't come let me in. Matter of fact I'll bust this whole door down!" I could hear how angry he was getting and honestly it scared me a little bit. But I decided to do what any normal person would do. I stormed over unlocked the door and went to push past him. If he wanted to dance with other people so could I. I started moving towards the steps that would take me to the sea of bodies moving in time with the music. Before I even made it to the first step I felt him grab me around my waist. He turned me around confused. He noticed I was a little drunk when I almost fell down the steps at the quick turning movement. He held me up right. "Where do you think your going? Your drunk, you can't go anywhere." I stood up straight moving away from the stairs, I may be drunk but I wasn't stupid. " I'm going to get another drink and I'm going to go dance with someone!" I said poking his chest. "You got to dance even though that's what I wanted to do and I didn't dance cause I wasn't with you! So now you get to see how I feel mr. big bad I can do what I want alpha! We'll status check I'm on too!" He looked taken back by how I was acting, and the words that came out of my mouth. I nodded my head in approval. Just as I was going to turn away to walk down the steps I felt him grab me again, this time picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Jaxx put me down right now!" I yelled out warning a few giggles from people passing by. I smacked his ass trying to get him to loosen his grip. Instead he tighter it and smacked my ass back. I jumped in shock, feeling a small laugh leave his chest. "I would save the kinky stuff for the bedroom mr.Alpha." He tended underneath my body and I could feel him shiver. "Don't do that princess." I laughed and decided to mess with him some more. "I traded my fingers up and down his back earning me small shivers, I moved my hands under his shirt doing the same motions causing the shivers to get bigger. He shifted my weight and before I knew it I was tossed gently onto a bed. "I need you to not do that, your driving me crazy." His eyes were turning black and his voice was at least an octave deeper. I gulped surprised by how much I liked it.

I had to change the subject. "This still ain't fair I wanted to dance and you danced with that whore!" He sighed rubbing his head. "I thought you were dancing with someone else. I didn't like it but I didn't want to be controlling. When I seen you looking at me I knew I fucked up. I'm sorry princess it won't happen again." He tried to come hug me but I scooted back, crossing my arms still angry at him. "Who gave you alcohol anyway, I mind link everyone and told them not to." I gaped my mouth open at him. "You did what? I am an independent woman and I don't need you to control my every move! But for your information I spent the whole 10 minutes it took you to find a slut to dance with talking to max! He gave me the drinks I wanted and we had a conversation! Unlike you I wasn't grinding up with anyone else cause I knew how you would feel." Tears started streaming down my face, my tough girl act suddenly out the window. Jaxx saw this and suddenly he was on the bed next to me holding me like a baby on his lap. "Why didn't you want to dance with me? But you wanted to dance with-with that hoe! Am I not pretty enough? Are you ashamed of me? Do you love her more than you are suppose to love me? Is she your true mate and I'm just someone to toy with? Cause if so this isn't funny cause I'm falling for you and I don't want my heart broken." Before I continued he pulled my head up wiping my tears as he did and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. He pulled back. "I didn't want to dance because I didn't want other guys looking at you, I'm a Jealous person. But she just started dancing on me while I was looking for you, I just started going with it thinking you didn't want to be found and that you would pop up when you did. When you saw me I had just started dancing with her. I don't want her, her names Jade and I have zero interest in her. You are the most beautiful person inside and out that I could have ever met in my life. I'm far from ashamed of you, and I been head over heels for you since you wanted me to hold your hand to walk into class. I am yours and only yours miss Rox redbird." I sniffles a little, his words calming me down a lot. I looked up at him and held my pink out. "Promise?" He chuckles and linked his pinky with mine. "Promise." 

I climbed off of his lap to lay down, he got up to go get changed. He came back with a shirt for me to sleep in. He turned around to go lock his door and I quickly got change before he was finished. When he turned back around he sucked in a little air. "You should wear my shirts more often princess." I could see his wolf trying to surface, but Jaxx caught him down. He climbed in bed and I grabbed a pillow making my way to the couch. I heard a growl from behind me, I quickly turned around to see Jaxx suddenly sitting up. "Where are you going?" I looked at him with a duh face on. "To sleep on the couch duh. I didn't think you'd want me to sleep in your bed." Another growl left his lips. "Come here princess, my bed is your bed. We are mates and you can sleep in whatever bed I'm in." I looked at the couch one more time and before I could turn back around to tell him I was good he was behind me. I gasped when he picked me up bridal style and plopped me back onto the bed, still holding my pillow. He gently took the pillow, placed it under my head, then tucked me in before going over to his side of the bed. When he got in he pulled me flush against him holding me tightly and breathing in the scent of my hair. My whole body relaxed into him and he gave an approving growl before he dozed off and went to sleep. I sat there thinking of where we might be going tomorrow. I was going to need clothes that's for sure. I felt sleep tugging at my eyelids, before I knew it I was out like a light. Sleeping in my mates arms was intoxicating. I could get use to this

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