Chapter 26

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I got up in the morning, and narrowed my eyes so that I could get used to the light and I found myself again on Jun’s side of the bed, as usual he wasn’t there. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair and noticed the bathroom open, I looked towards it, and omg!! Jun was shirtless, and I could see droplets of water on his arms and back, he looked super cute, as he walked holding the towel on his hair to remove excess water droplets, I called him to come to the bed “good morning” he said and chuckled 

“good morning” I said 

“what is it?” he asked as he sat on the bed, near me, facing me. 

“Uh…mm… I wanted to ask you, will you be little less occupied with your work this time?” 

“Yeah, kind of, why?” 

“I thought of talking to you every day, so…” I said and he chuckled 

“of course I will talk to you every day, remember we are in this together?”He said and I nodded.

“One more thing, about kids...” I looked at him giving his full attention, “I don’t want to have kids till maybe another year, and I think we should be responsible enough to save a part of our income for the kid” I said 

“hmm…yeah..I’m okay with it, I also thought about this” he said and nodded understandingly 

“what time will your flight reach?” I asked 

“in the night” he said and got up, I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine; I had to go to work today, after going to the airport.

In the airport

After everyone told ‘bye’ they went away a little, there were few more minutes before his departure, I went to him, “take care of ma, pa and yourself, see you soon” he said and he gave me a side hug and a peck on my cheek and walked off, I stood there with mixed emotions, not knowing exactly what I should feel.

After we came out of the airport, I went to office, the whole day went in a haze, many who I hadn’t spoken to, congratulated me, and I took it all with a smile. I went to my home first and chatted with ma and pa, about their health and if everything went according to their plan, after a while I took some things which I hadn’t taken from my room and left.

I came home and chatted with athai and mama about what happened in the office, and they shared what happened in their day, I went and took a shower and changed into a skirt and t-shirt and prepared dinner. I made dosa and coconut chutney. After we ate dinner we watched a daily soap and retreated to the room.

I kept all my clothes neatly, making sure that Jun’s also has enough space. I lay on the bed and began reading, and my phone buzzed, it was Jun, “hello, you reached?” I was excited 

“hey, yeah, just now, not slept?” he asked 

“… no…was waiting for your call” I said truly, I actually did miss him being with me, and kept myself occupied just so that I didn’t miss him,

 “Hmm…okay… listen... It's late you need to sleep, but before that go to my shelf” he said 

“okay?” I said and got up and dragged myself over

“open it and take that blue shirt” he said I took it and the smell of his perfume hit my nostrils and immediately I felt better and a smile crept on my lips “uh…hello…you there?” he asked a little worried

“yeah …sorry…was just... what am I to do with your shirt?” 

“Put it on and sleep” he said and chuckled 

“huh? Why?”

“As far as I know you, you get all chilly in the night and snuggle near me, and I’m sure you’re not aware of it. Since I was there, I could hold you and make you warm, but now, I hope that shirt can make you warm” he said, I’m sure he had a wicked grin on his face, I thought of all those mornings I got up on his side, which was everyday, and tapped my head, bit my tongue and blushed, of course the shirt would keep me warm, it was thicker than the usual ones 

“ahw… really?? Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked 

“cause I didn’t want you to get conscious of the way you sleep, I wanted you to be yourself and it was not a big deal” he said in a calm tone

“Hmm... in that case …thank you very much, very thoughtful, how was your journey?” I asked 

“just the usual, sleeping, eating, listening to music, and thinking, how was your day?’’ he said and whispered ‘thinking’ softly, I didn’t want to ask what he was thinking, although I was curious, I wanted to give him some space and not shoot questions at him. 

“Mine was good, you know, so many of them wished me, it's kind of weird but sweet, considering I’ve hardly glanced at a few of them’’ I said we talked for a while, until 

“uh…ok…I’m sorry, I need to go I need to get a few things here, will call you tomorrow, good night bye” 

“bye” I said and we hung up.

 I put the shirt on, got into bed tucked the covers and switched off the lights, I stared at the ceiling thinking of all the events of today, I got up and sat against the bed, and prayed to God, I thanked him for everything, and prayed for all my dear and near, and slid back, only to enjoy peaceful sleep.   

Hey wattpadies,

I know this is a smaller chapter, I really wanted to update today, and I could come up with only this.

Thank you all for the support,

A few of the scenes in the story are inspired from the real lives of my many cousins, while a lot are only fiction.

Please comment and vote,

Do read ‘you!!??’ and give me your comments on that.


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