Chapter 29

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3rd person p.o.v

There were clothes to be laundered, Sara put it in the washing machine. She came to the bedroom and sat on the bed in Indian style and she quickly called her parents, they spoke for about an hour, after which she called her athai, they too spoke for a while, to both of them Sara told everything right from the journey in the flight, to what Rohan had planned for the weekend, cutting out the unnecessary details though.

  Just as she finished talking the clothes were ready, she put them out for drying and did some cleaning of the home. She went to the kitchen to check for stock of food, since she couldn’t find anything enough for both of them she decided to go to the grocery store. The store was just down the lane, after locking the door Sara descended by the lift, that’s when she turned to look at the building, it was a huge building, with identical homes, Sara was in awe of such a huge building as she hadn’t seen a building with more than twenty-five floors her entire life and here she was itself staying on the tenth floor, her eyes didn’t reach the topmost tip of the building, she turned around and made her way to the store.

 She decided to make pasta Arrabita, she didn’t know if Rohan would like it or not, but she felt worth giving it a try.

She came home and put the pasta to boil, while she cut the onions and tomatoes. After the pasta boiled she strained the excess water. She cooked majority of the dish; of frying the onions and tomatoes and the herbs etc, she just had to mix it one last time, but she thought of doing it before they begin to eat.

 She got a call from Rohan that he will come home soon, so she prepared some tea for both of them, just as she finished straining the tea, the door bell rang, she opened the door, so Rohan could enter, he flashed her a tired but happy smile and went to the bedroom to freshen up.

  He came out after a while wearing a white t-shirt with some random design on it, and shorts, his hair was messy with water droplets on the tips, Sara was in the kitchen, she saw Rohan and decided to  serve the tea, but she needed a tray,  she saw that the tray was on the top shelf, way beyond her reach, her finger tips just managed to brush the tip of this shelf, if she were alone she could have climbed on something and taken it without difficulty, since Rohan was there she felt a little embarrassed and didn’t want him to think of her as a junglee.

She jumped a little, stood on her toes and tried reaching it, but of no avail, she was so engrossed to take the tray that she didn’t realize when Rohan came behind her, his one arm beside her, holding the platform, while the other hand was touching hers  reaching for the tray, his chin on the side of her head, she could feel his steady breathe on her hair, that made her heart flutter, the touch of his hand and the warmth of his body engulfed her and she felt self conscious and shy, she didn’t want Rohan to notice this so she somehow managed to turn so she was facing him, she could now feel his breathe fanning her nose, she looked up at him sternly “you think I can’t reach it eh?” 

He smiled at her “I don’t think, I know” his smile became sacarstic, he leaned his body closer towards her, and she leaned back, forming an arch on her back, she wanted him to walk away, but to her dismay, he didn’t budge, she wanted to straighten her back since it started to hurt her, without a proper thought or plan, she pulled onto Rohan’s t-shirt and came up and met those beautiful eyes of her Jun, their eyes locked for a couple of seconds, Rohan decided to let go the awkwardness, he took the tray and placed the teacups and kept it on the teapoy.

As they drank tea, they watched the news on tv, Sara had a lot of doubts on the news topics, which Rohan clarified, they decided to discuss the news regularly henceforth.

Soon they had their dinner and Sara was pleased that Rohan liked the pasta. They went to the bedroom and decided to pack, Rohan told Sara “we’ll first go to Annie akka’s home, it’s a couple of hours from here, and then to Abu Dhabi, we’ll mostly reach by the night, and on Saturday evening we return, are you fine with it?” Sara was extremely happy that Rohan was taking her to meet her first cousin Annie, she was unable to attend the wedding and this would just be too good, she thanked him a million times, soon they packed their bags and slept off snuggling together, in their sleepy state.

In the morning Rohan got up as soon as the alarm rang, both of them got ready, had sandwiches for breakfast and left, they reached Annie akka’s home.

 Annie akka and Ramesh anna – her husband, started to ask Rohan about his family and about his work etc etc, soon lunch was served, Annie akka had made vegetable biryani, they ate well, they let Rohan and anna to rest while they had their ‘girl talk’.           

   After an hour, they left and reached Abu Dhabi, the air was chill, crisp and lively, as soon as they stopped by their hotel, parked their car, and got down, Sara embraced herself to keep herself warm, soon she was joined by Rohan who was carrying their bag in one hand and held her palm in the other, soon, unconsciously they left their palms, but were locked at their elbow.

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It’s from a different pov,

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