Chapter 2: Getting To Know...You!

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Soon enough, I was sitting on the couch, looking into my glass of something that David gave. I did a taste test, and it was pretty good, but I forgot the name of it. Either way, it probably was saturated in alcohol, so I took small sips. Laughter filled the air while my uncle simply smiled behind his coffee mug. Wait, coffee?

JJ turned her attention to me and smiled. "Hey, so, you're here for college?"

I nodded and explained, "Yeah, I have a scholarship, so it's being paid for, thankfully. But I still would have to pay for dorming. Luckily, Uncle Aaron was happy to take me in since the school is right by his house." I smiled, silently proud of myself for not stuttering.

Emily sipped her drink and asked, "What is your scholarship for?"

"Essay writing." I said easily. I know, it's not much of one, but it is a touch better than a sports scholarship, which I was never good at.

"What are you majoring in?" Derek asked kindly.

I replied smoothly, "English and minoring in Criminal Justice."

"Interesting choices." David said.

I ducked down and twiddled my thumbs together. I knew that was an odd choice of degrees, but I wanted to write crime books. If I was going to write them, I should be accurate on what they are about. Maybe I could write books about a group of FBI agents who solve crimes involving psychopaths! Well, I think there's actually a show about that, so I should scratch that off of my list.

I noticed everyone had diverted their attention from me and onto each other more. Uncle Aaron placed his arm on the back of the leather couch behind my head while his head was turned towards the others. I casually listened as they expressed their feelings about which Christmas movie was the best: Rudolph or Frosty The Snowman.

I laughed at their silly game and felt someone sit down next to me.

"How about a magic trick?" I heard. I looked up to see Spencer smiling nervously at me. I turned my body so I was facing and said, "Sure!"

"Alright." He held up a quarter in his palm. "Here's a quarter. Take a look at it." I picked it up and examined it. It had the Tennessee name on the back along with a guitar, which was a relation to Nashville. "Now, watch as it vanishes before your eyes." He spooked.

He put it back in his palm, and clapped his hands together. He opened his palms and it was gone. My jaw dropped and he pointed to behind my ear. "You have something right there." I reached back an felt nothing. He laughed and shook his head.

He pushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear and froze. Our eyes connected and my heartbeat increased tremendously. He glanced to my lips, but quickly looked back up. "Here."

And in his hand was a Tennessee quarter, the same year on it.

I smiled and said quietly, "That was good."

He smiled and backed away. "Why did you choose those degree's?"

I shrugged my shoulder's and said, "If I want to write crime books, I might as well make sure I have the laws correct." He nodded and said, "Well, if you need an insight into anything, I have a BA in Psychology."

I cocked my head. "I think you need more than a bachelors degree to be in your field." He smiled and said, "Well, Hotch forgot to introduce me as Doctor Reid." I gazed at him, completely star-struck. "Wow."

He nodded and looked behind me. He sent a face that way, and his face turn red in embarrassment. I looked back to see Derek quickly stuffing his phone in his pocket. I scrunched my eyebrows in question at him. He waved his hand and drank his drink, but smiling nonetheless.

I smiled as I realized that he was encouraging Spencer to get my number. Then I became scared that Spencer and I would never see each other again. How would we keep in contact? Will he ask for my number?

"How about a board game?" David suggested.

JJ asked, "Which one?"


Oh no...


After three heated hours, and trying to play our cards right, Spencer and I were tied. He had Park Place, and I had Board Walk, neither of us wanting to give up the jackpot of money. I bit my bottom lip as the dice rolled off of my fingertips. I rolled an 8 and slowly picked up my figurine. I counted the spaces and ended up landing on Spencer's Pacific Avenue with two hotels on it.

I'm not sure how, but I guess we never put a limit on the number of buildings.

I sighed and smiled. "You win Spencer."

He smiled a bit and nodded towards me. "You're a good opponent, Ashley."

I smiled at him and my uncle stood. "We better get going. Ashley has several classes tomorrow, and we have work to be done tomorrow as well." Aaron stated. I stood while everyone bid a farewell.

When my uncle and I reached the door, I heard my name being called. I turned to see Spencer walking towards me with a shy smile. My uncle said quietly, "I'll warm the car up and bring it up front." I nodded towards him and looked to Spencer. Aaron walked out of the house just before Spencer asked me, "I was wondering if I could get your number? I would like to show you a few more magic tricks in the future." I smirked as he coughed nervously.

I pointed to my ear and said, "You already have it." He reached to his ear and pulled out the slip of paper I had put there before we started the game. I winked and walked out of the house just as Aaron pulled up his car. I slipped in and buckled myself in. I turned towards him and said, "I appreciate you bringing me here, Uncle Aaron. Thank you."

He smiled and ruffled my hair lightly."Your welcome; and you can visit us at work anytime."

I tilted my head and quoted, "Us?"

He winked at me and said, "Reid as well, of course." I blushed as he teased and laughed at me on the drive home.

Well, not my home, but for now, it's close enough.

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