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"Do you, Spencer Reid, take Ashley Hotchner as your lovely wife?" The pastor asked.

My father passed away about a year ago, so instead of him walking me down the aisle, Uncle Aaron did. My maid of honor was Stella, and my bridesmaids were Emily, JJ, and Penelope.

Both of Spencer's parents were here and sitting in the middle of the crowd. His best man was Derek Morgan and the rest of the men were Rossi and other's he knew from his childhood that he still kept in touch with.

The bridesmaids wore blue dresses while the guys wore their tuxedo's with black sunglasses, pulling off the 'secret agent' look. I had a cousin who did this, and I got a kick out of it.

I knew about Riley Jenkins and what happened with Spencer's parents. I knew of his mother's state and understood that schizophrenia is genetic. I was ready, if it were to happen, to be there for Spencer if he fell into that same state. I knew of his previous drug addiction that was on accident, but through all of it, I couldn't have picked a better man to fall in love with.

My mother sat with my Uncle, with tissues in her hands. She rested her head against my Uncle's shoulder, and he held her hand as a friendly gesture.

Spencer's brown eyes gazed at me as he said loudly, as if to proclaim it to the entire world, "I do."

I smiled and was asked by the pastor, "Do you, Ashley Hotchner, take Spencer Reid as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Tears welled in my eyes as I choked out, "I do."

Morgan steppe forward an handed me a tissue. "Come on, princess. No water-works yet!"

The crowd and myself laughed as I gently dabbed my eyes with the tissue.

"Will the ring-bearer step forward please?"

Out stepped Henry, JJ's son from next to her and up the stairs. He gave me a grin and looked to Spencer. "Go get 'er, god-daddy!"

I looked at the laughing crown and the smiling mother. I couldn't help but smile as I took Spencer's ring in my hand as he grabbed mine in his. We slipped our rings on each other's finger and the magical saying sounded out ears:

"You may now kiss the bride."

Spencer cupped my face and said, "I love you, Ashley Reid."

I laughed and rested my hands on his chest.

"I love you too, Spencer Reid."

We pressed our lips together, and just once, mot only did my stomach tighten but fireworks and bombs were present as well.

We all go through hard times. Some issues are more physical than others. Some are more hidden. But bit by bit, you can push through. An that's how Spencer and I made it. We took life as it came...

Bit By Bit.

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