Chapter 7: Breaking Walls

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I bit my nails as I stood by the window in the conference room. It had been two hours and twenty-seven minutes since JJ, Emily, and David dropped me off here at the BAU HQ. People gave me worried looks at my present state of mind. I was scared beyond anything comprehendable. I was more worried for my Uncle's safety. He may be an FBI agent, but he is human just like the rest of the world. He was in danger. 


I spun around, letting out a squeak. I turned ot see Derek Morgan standing there with a wrapped present in his hands. I sighed and let out a laugh. "In the middle of all this chaos and you give me a present?"

He gave me a soft grin and said, "I figured you needed something to brighten your birthday."

He walked across he room and handed me the gift. I unwrapped it and there sat a purple scarf. Matching perfectly well with my grey cardigan and blank tank-top, I slipped it on and gave Derek a hug. "Thank you, I really needed this." His bulky arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up off of my ffeet.

"You're welcome, Kitchen Princess." I chuckled softly. When we heard a cough, we broke apart and saw Spencer at the doorway. 

Derek winked at me and walked out. He said somthing quietly to Spencer and he left. Spencer lifted his eyes and offered me a smile. "I heard it was your birthday." He said quietly.

I nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm turning twenty-one."

He nodded and said, "Now you are technically of drinking-age, although it does destroy your kidneys." 

I laughed and said, "I don't drink and I don't plan to, Spence."

He solid face broke, a grin slipping onto him, making his features more attractive. "Well, I'm supposed to watch over you these few days until the unsub is caught. We just gave the profile, and they are looking for him."

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair. The light-hearted smile slipping off of my face. Worry took over my mind for what seemed like hours. I am so stressed over Aaron's safety. His life can be taken away with a simple movement of a finger just like the rest of the world. If this guy was really stalking us, wouldn't it be easy for him to catch my tough uncle when his guard was down? Couldn't he kill my uncle...and then come after me?

"Ashely!" Spencer shouted.

I blinked and saw that I was sitting n the couch, breathing heavily. My chest felt tight and it was as if I couldn't breathe properly. "What?" I asked honestly.

"You're having an anxiety attack. It happens when too much stress is built up in your mind, and your mind can't process it fast enough. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked sweetly.

My eyes teared up and I pulled my knees to my chest. I tucked my face in between my knees and breathed. My fingers laced themselves into my hair and I began to rock, attempting to comfort myself. I heaved a sob and became quiet.

Spencer must have noticed the quiet noise that escaped my lips and sat next to me on the couch. I slowly leaned into his side and began to speak.

"I know you guys have been through this before. I just wish Aaron would be a bit more sensitive of the fact that it's not just me that is in trouble. I want him to care about himself the way he cares about me. He might see that as selfishness, but I think it's actually pride. He doesn't want to seem weak when there's a stalker out there, watching his every move." I cried out.

Tears rolled dwn my cheeks but there were no sobs. I spoke as clearly as I could, which was as if I was just speaking normaly. 

Spencer's arm wrapped tightly around me and he pulled me onto his lap. He whispered in my ear, "I'm sure he's breaking down everytime he's alone."

(3rd Person's POV)

As the dark brunette was sprawled across the tallest man's lap, none of them realized that there was a man, on the other side of the wall, in his office, crying his eyes out. He heard every word, and was scared beyond insanity of his own and his niece's safety.

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