Chapter 10: Oh, What The Hell

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I arrived back at the BAU HQ to be debriefed and for them to give me a test to see if I'll need medical help. I walked through the double doors and spotted Spencer walling towards us between the desks.

"Spencer..." I gasped as I threw my arms around him. His biceps tightened as he enveloped me in a tight embrace. I felt the weight of my burden lift just a little in the comforting warmth. His arms seemed to squish my worries into almost nothingness.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to you in time." He said.

I shook my head and whispered, "I'm sure you did everything you could. Even attempting to trade placed with Stella and I."

He sighed and said, "You saw that."

I nodded and breathed in his scent once more. My fingers tangled in his hair as his hands were pressed on my back. I sniffled slightly and Spencer backed up. He grabbed a tissue from the nearby desk and offered it to me. I smiled and thanked him. Using the tissue, he began to dry my eyes. When the tissue got close to my eyes, I batted my eyes closed.

I opened my eyes slowly, and saw how close he was. I then noticed every little detail about how we stood. The nearest desk was right by Spencer's side and the closest group of people were burying their noses in their reports. My hands were pressed against his tough chest, and his left hand was on my waist. His right hand shifted from dabbing my wet cheeks, to placing his hands on the side of my face.

A finger was curled behind my ear and his breathing was ragged. His thumb was close to the corner of my eyes, and he was coming closer to me. His eyes glanced at my lips while an unreadable emotion danced in his eyes. Frustrated by the drumroll of a kiss, I pressed our lips together.

Mind you, I'm not really a go-for-it girl. I'm the one that likes to wait until the chance is given to me, but this is one of those time's I'm singing What The Hell by Avril Lavigne.

His left hand mimicked his right hand on where it was, and he pulled me closer. I let out a soft, quiet moan and tangled my finger's in his hair. His lips were soft and easy, while mine were hard and hungry. He slowly fell under my hunger spell, and licked my bottom lips.

Our tongues almost did a tango together, as if it was meant to be that way. Their weren't any fireworks or bombs, sadly, but it was more than I could ask for. My stomach seemed to tighten and my mind went blank. I didn't think of anything, I couldn't, not with Spencer's lips pressed against my own.

I heard a cough from behind me and Spencer and I pulled away. Spencer said, "Your parents just saw all of that."

I glanced at them and saw looks of surprise on their faces. Though, my mother did offer me a wink and a mischievous grin. After studying and contemplating how much trouble I would be in, I looked back at Spencer. I placed my hands on his waist and pulled him closer. My lips brushed his as I stared into his brown eyes.

"I'm thinking...what the hell?"

With that, our lips returned to being occupied while my mind was elsewhere. I'm staying in Quantico, and I'm never leaving. Do I want to disappoint my parents?

Oh, what the hell!

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