Chapter 6: Refuge

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I fell asleep on the couch after Aaron calmed me down. Fear was plastered in his eyes, however, which told me this wasn't the first time he's been through this before.

I felt a hand on my shoulder which jolted me awake. I looked up to a pair of green eyes that had blonde hair. I sigh, tears welling up. JJ hugged me and apologized. "I'm so sorry, Ashley. I didn't mean to scare you."

I hugged her back and heard a voice say, "Hey, we need to take her to HQ." That voice belonged to Derek, who was making his way over. JJ kept an arm around my shoulder and she walked me to the black SUV.

"Aaron already packed your things. It's by Reid's desk there." JJ comforted.

I nodded and I saw Emily slide into the passenger seat. David was going to drive us back and Morgan was going to stay here in case the unsub decides to travel back.

"Hey, Emily?" I asked.

Emily quickly turned towards me. I licked my lips and said, "What kind of person is he?"

She bit her lip in thought. She looked at JJ with question, and the blonde nodded. Emily's eyes returned to me and she began to speak.

"This unsub seems to have been stalking you and Hotch for a while. He learned your routine, and maybe even learned where the spare key was. Maybe it was the way you looked at him, or he has a hatred for Hotch and he is taking it out on you."

JJ continued, "But because he left the picture on your bed, it seems the message is for you. Maybe this unsub has a form of infatuation with you. We're not completely sure, this is just a hypothesis. Either way, you are still in danger, but we will take care of you Ashley."

I nodded and smiled at the two of them.

"Thank you. You two have already taken such good care of me, and I really appreciate it."

Now to seek refuge.

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