Chapter 3: College

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It was a weeks or so after the party at David's house. Spencer hasn't called me, which created doubt in my mind. As I sat in my Criminology class, I pondered if what Derek did to Spencer was just a bet they decided to have. But what about the blush that spread across his face when Derek pulled his phone out? Was Derek just teasing Spencer, or did he actually support the idea of Spencer and I being toge-

I shook my head furiously. No, I couldn't think about that now. What, what did Professor Mayer ask?

"Who was the unknown-subject, or 'unsub', in this case?" Ah, yes, that one.

I raised my hand slowly, and Professor Mayer's eyes drifted across the silent room. Her eyes rested on mine and she smiled slightly. "Yes, Ms. Hotchner, I'm sure you know of this case."

I smiled a little bit and began to speak.

"It turned out there were two culprits in this case. One was a simple criminal who was protected in jail by a guard, who was actually the unsub. The criminal felt entitled to the unsub because he had protected him, and so he did the deeds of his alpha male lead." I said with confidence.

Professor Mayer nodded and continued to explain the case to the class. Just before the bell rang, she said, "Attention! Before you exit, I want you all to know that at 4pm today, two profiler's from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit will be in this room for those interested in profiling."

I smiled, maybe my uncle will be there.

The bell rang and everyone exited the room, chatting excitedly of the lecture going to be given that afternoon. "Ashley, is your uncle going to be giving the lecture?" I heard. I turned to see Amanda Sparks, one of the girls in my class. I shrugged my shoulders. "He didn't say anything to me this morning."


I stepped into the room of about 200 people. My eyes widened as I slipped into the seat on the sixth row, near the end. I heard a door open and turned to see David Rossi walk into the room. I smiled as he spoke.

"Good afternoon, I am David Rossi and this here is Dr. Spencer Reid."

My eyes widened and I froze as Spencer stepped into view. I quickly shielded myself behind the head of the person who sat in front of me. I felt a little nervous but then realized that I had nothing to be worried about. So what if he didn't call, he probably was busy. And if not, who cares?

I sighed but still hid behind the blonde's head. David spoke as did Spencer

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