Chapter 4: A Dance

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I ran up to Spencer after the lecture and touched his shoulder.

"Spencer!" I called.

He turned and I crashed into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn't fall and he laughed. "You okay?

I leaned away from him, and grinned, lifting up a thumb. "Never better."

He smiled and released me slowly.

"Sorry I never called you. I had lost it, but how about I put it in my phone this time?" He said kindly.

I grinned and nodded. "Definitely! Hey, are you heading back to the BAU?"

He nodded and David stood beside him.

David smiled and asked, "Would you like a ride?"

I nodded and thanked them both.

Before we walked down the steps to the parking lot, a hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned to see Stella Barnes, a very nosy girl and a total flirt.

"Was that your boyfriend?" She asked.

I became flustered and shoved her hand off of my shoulder. "We're into each other, yeah."

She rolled her eyes and said, "You're such a liar, Ashley."

"Babe!" I spun to see Spencer waving at me. "You coming?" He sent me a knowing wink and I blushed.

I turned to Stella whose jaw was hanging and I said, "Sorry, I've got to go!"

I walked towards Spencer, who carefully placed a hand on the small of my back. When started walking again, he leaned down and whispered, "I heard what she was talking about. I might as well go along with the truth."

I blushed and hit his chest. He laughed, and once we were out of sight, he removed his hand. He moved slowly, proving that he didn't want to remove it.


We arrived and I noticed that some of the worker's were putting up Christmas lights around the room. I smiled in excitement. I can't wait for it!

A female voice called, "Ashley?"

I turned to see Emily walking over with a coffee mug. I smiled as her arms outstretched towards me. I returned the hug and said, "Those cookies you sent were really good, Emily!"

She smiled and said, "It's a family recipe, but if you want to, I can teach you!" I nodded and said, "Yes, I'd love to!"

"How about Saturday at 5:30?" She asked.

I nodded and agreed. We switched numbers and she went off to her cubical. Spencer rested his hand on my back and led me towards a set of stairs. He lifted a finger and pointed at the door at the top of the steps. "Hotch's office is right there."

I nodded and walked up the wooden steps while resting my hand on the smooth metal railing.

3rd Person's POV

Ashley walked up the steps to visit her uncle, not noticing the boy at the bottom of the steps, gazing up at her. But, three females and two males who worked with this man did notice, and immediately began placing bets amongst themselves.

Upstairs, Ashley entered her uncle's office. He glanced up from a case file he had and smiled at his niece. He stood and offered her a hug. "I thought you were going home?"

The young brunette shook her head and said, "David and Spencer spoke at my college today. I asked if they could bring me here."

He nodded and released her. Ashley began to glance around the room and spotted an item she gave her uncle the past Christmas.

"You kept it!"

He glanced over at the black radio and nodded. "Of course I did."

She skipped towards it and turned it on to the Christmas radio station.

"And up next is Baby It's Cold Outside, sung by Michael Bublé and Idina Menzel!"

Ashley giggled and began to sing along.

"I really can't stay!"

She danced towards the male and let her hand out, he sighed and complied. "I'm not singing." He warned.

"I've got to go 'way!" She continued, nodding but dancing with her Uncle all the while.

"My mother will start to worry."

He danced with his blissful niece. He slowly found himself smiling and quietly singing along until the end. The last lyric.

"Baby it's cold~" she began. And together;

"Baby it's cold outside~!"

Aaron laughed and said, "I'll admit, that was fun."

Ashley laughed and said with Michael Bublé, "It took a lot of convincing."

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