Chapter 8: ...You?

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I was escorted back and forth to my college classes. I didn't really complain. The guards and what-ever-their-called gave me space when they were able to. I didn't have much alone time, but they gave it to me when ever they could.

I ran into Stella several times, her apologizing for calling me a liar. Of course, I didn't hold that grudge. I accepted her apology, and she told me a few books to read to help with our classes we had together. She was a touch skeptical of the people who were following me, but didn't ask any questions,

Finally, curiosity killed her.

We were in the library, and the followers scattered about the room. Some looked young and began to read books so they could blend in. Other's looked hostile, and that's when Stella popped the question.

"Okay, why are these people following you?" She asked.

I sighed and twirled my hair a bit. I looked around and studied the area before I said anything. Once I saw it was clear, I started to explain the situation.

She covered her mouth and said, "Oh my gosh..."

I nodded. "That's why they are following me. I told them you were okay. But, you wouldn't know anybody who would do that to me, would you?"

She looked down and bit her lip in thought. Her black hair was tied in a long braid, and her brown eyes were in deep concentration. Stella looked up and said, "Well, there is one guy who is into you, but I highly doubt he would do anything. But then again, he isn't exactly a calm person. I could imagine him doing something like that. It's..." She trailed.

I gulped as she took a breath.



We both looked around to see no one was in the library, not even the guards. I guess after seeing that the coast was clear, they went to stand by the entrances. But, however, something from on top of the bookcases fell in front of Stella and I. It was a guy.

It was Stella's brother, Scott.

I gasped. "...You?"

He smirked and held up a .22 Walther pistol to us both.

"Yes, indeed it is me, Scott Barnes."

I shook my head and Stella cried out, "But you like her!"

His green eyes snapped towards her and said, "Yeah. I do."

I spat, "Then why would you do this to me?!"

He grabbed my neck and shoved me against the bookcase, knocking a couple of books onto the floor. I pulled his hand away from my throat enough for me to breath.

"Because you never paid attention!" He spit.

I scrunched my nose as he pulled a rope out of his bag and threw it at me. "Tie her up."

I carefully walked over to Stella and bound her hands together. I created the knot to look complicated, but with one pull of the end, she'd be free. I touched the end that would set her free and looked into her eyes. She nodded and sat down on the ground as I tied her feet together the same way.

I stood and Scott began to tie me together, putting my hands behind my back.

"You should have paid attention, and we wouldn't be in this mess."

"Fuck you." I snarled.

He touched my face and said, "Believe me darling, I know you do, but a library isn't the place for it."

My eyes widened in disgust and gagged.

"Why would you do this?" I asked.

"It started with your uncle, Aaron Hotchner. He made it so you were out of reach from me. He made you stay at his house instead of the dormitories."

His laptop from his bag bleeped and he pulled it out. On his screen was a picture of my room from the window area. computer was there! He was watching me from my web-cam?!

Inside my room were JJ and Spencer. Derek walked in and was saying something to the two of them. Spencer looked down and slowly trailed his eyes to the camera. He frantically looked around the room and grabbed a notepad that sat by my nightstand. He jotted down something with his pen and stared at the camera.

He obviously kew something that I didn't.

"Damn Feds..." Scott growled under his breath.

Spencer sat at my computer chair and held up the paper. Scott smirked and laugh manically. I gasped as well as Stella did. "This is perfect!" Scott howled.

I felt my insides shake as the laptop was closed. The whole scene played in my head over and over again. The words scribbled on the yellowing paper meant more than just how Spencer was feeling. It proved that I was going to die.

Trade Me...

Scott keeled over, laughing and fell onto his back. It was becoming dark as I attempted to pull myself together. But the more I tried, the worse I fell apart. Stella rested her head on my shoulder and whispered while crying, "If we're going to die...I'm glad the last person I get to be with is you. You are so amazing, Ashley. BD things shouldn't happen to good people."

For Stella...

I nodded and said, "I'm glad you're the last person I get to be with as well."

We shared a smile, which made us feel happy for just a moment, which was all I could ask for.

And Ashley.

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