Chapter 11: No Matter Your Choices

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"She could have been killed!" My father yelled.

"We got to her as soon as we could, calm down." Aaron said easily.

"Don't tell me to calm down, Aaron. I almost lost my daughter because of you!"

"I didn't cause any of this-"

"Yes you did, don't lie!" My father interrupted.

"My plan was not to get her almost killed, Thomas!" Aaron finally shouted.

They have been arguing for hours on in, and only this comment finally made my dad be quiet.

Uncle Aaron said calmly, "My team and myself did everything we could to get her back. If I just walked in there and demanded him to give Ashley and Stella to us, he not only would have killed me, but he would have killed the two girls as well."

I listened through the door, trying to hear what they were saying. My father let an irritated growl escape his lips.

"Well, if your team didn't sleep on the job-"

"Didn't sleep?!" Aaron shouted, making me flinch.

"Ashley has a relationship with every single member on this team. They were determined to find her and get her back. Two members only got a six-hour sleep during those three days. Myself and three other took a two-hour nap, and one didn't get any sleep at all! Don't you dare try to point fingers at anyone, Thomas. How was I supposed to know that Ashley would be kidnapped by a psychopath?"

"You study their minds, don't you? You should have known that Barnes was a psycho!"

"It doesn't work that way, and you of all people should know that." Aaron deadpanned.

The silence hung in the air.

One of the member's didn't sleep at all in three days.


I thought about it for a while then finally remembered how tired everyone looked. David and JJ looked like they were sleepy when I saw them. Emily, Uncle Aaron, Derek and Penelope looked dead on their feet. But Spencer passed out when we got home last night.

He had driven me back to my house and I offered him some dinner. Not five minutes after sitting on the couch did he fall asleep. I had sat next to him and he woke up slightly. He pulled me close and laid on the couch. He sighed and sleep clouded his mind. I kissed his lips gently and whispered thank you to him. I fell asleep laying in front of him on the couch when I woke up this morning to the brother's arguing.

My mother slept in my room last might and has somehow stayed asleep.

But in the silence, I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry, Aaron, but Ashley is coming home with us."

I felt my eyes start to water.

No, it's MY life! I decide what I want! I'm 21 for goodness sake!

I walked to my room and noticed that my mother was awake. She smiled and opened her arms for me. I hugged her and rested my head on her shoulder. My mother stroked my hair and rubbed my back as she held me. He kissed the top of my head and said, "Ashley, I am so happy they got to you in time. I understand if you want to come home, but I'll also support you if you want to stay."

I hugged her tightly and said, "I need to stay here. If something like this were to happen again, I'd want to be near the team."

She nodded and gave me a tight squeeze. "Then I'll be here for you every step of the way."

The door opened and Mom and I turned to look at the two brothers. They had tired looks on their faces and my dad sighed. I threw my arms around his neck and said, "I'm glad to see you again, Dad."

He hugged me and said, "If you want to stay you can. I'll always love you, Ashley, no matter your choices."

I smiled and said, "I choose to stay. I also want you to meet my boyfriend."

"WHAT?!" He exclaimed.

I smiled sheepishly and said, "Oops?"

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