Why? (Sequel To Love The Way You Lie)

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AN- Here's more angst. Sorry bout that..

Vincent looked at his crush's gravestone, a guitar in his hand. He breathed in shakingly.

"H-Hey Toby, it's been a while huh?" He smiles at the grave, his eyes tearing up. "I decided to make a song for you. It's your 1 year anniversary, since..." He held in a sob, sitting down. "...Y-Yeah, here it is." He took a deep breath in and began.

You must've a been in a place so dark, couldn't feel the light

The memory of that night slowly resurfaced, making the song get more emotional.

Reachin' for you through that stormy cloud

He had recieved a text from Topaz. It said that he would miss him, and that he was sorry he ever burdened him.

Vincent was running to his house as fast as physically possible. He kicked in the door, having already called the police. Grey was holding a bat, about to walk up the stairs. There was blood around him, and the furniture was ruined.

Bottles were in the corner, and he was obviously extremely drunk. "That little bitch won't be able to move for 3 days. Not fucking making me dinner." He said under his breath.

Now here we are gathered in our little home town

Vincent grabbed a nearby weapon, knocking Grey out. He ran up bursting open the door. The sight would forever haunt his dreams.

This can't be the way you meant to draw a crowd

There Topaz was, hanging from a rope. He had tears streaming down his phone, yet a peaceful smile on his face.

Oh why? That's what I keep askin'

He kept asking why? Why would he do this?

Was there anything I could have said or done?

Could he have stopped him? Could he have noticed?

Oh I, had no clue you were masking a troubled soul

How had he not known?! He saw the scars, yet fucking brushed it off!

He fell to his knees, screaming in sadness and disbelief.

God only knows what went wrong, and why you'd leave the stage in the middle of a song

Vincent looked at the grave, tears streaming down his face. He took in a deep breath, and continued.

Now in my mind I keep you frozen as a seventeen year old

3 months after the incident, all he could see is his 17 year old self, before the phone head. His beautiful eyes and hair, his beautiful pale face.

Roundin' third to score that winning run

He remembered when he used to play baseball, how good he was. How much fun he had while playing.

You always played with passion no matter what the game

He always played like it was his last moments on Earth, talking about it with stars in his eyes.

When you took the stage you shined just like the sun

He did karaoke a lot, always loved it. There wasn't a person who didn't know about him, and he never failed to get a standing ovation.

Oh why, that's what I keep askin'

No matter what, he would still sob at night. Wondering if he could have stopped him, if he could have given him the life he deserved.

Was there anything I could have said or done?

Oh I, had no clue you were masking a troubled soul

God only knows what went wrong, and why you'd leave the stage in the middle of a song

He sobbed during the instrumental, wanting to scream. He just fucking wanted him back!!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

He took a breath, looking at the sky with tears falling down his cheeks.

Now the oak trees are swayin' in the early autumn breeze

The golden sun is shining on my face

The tangled thoughts I hear a mockingbird sing

This old world really ain't that bad a place

'It is without you.' He thought, biting his lip.

Oh why there's no comprehending

And who am I to try to judge or explain

Oh, but I do have one burning question

Who told you life wasn't worth the fight?

'Grey.' He thought bitterly.

They were wrong

They lied

And now you're gone

And we cried

'Cause It's not like you, to walk away in the middle of a song

Then, he felt a familiar presence, making him smile with tears falling.

"Your beautiful song"

He felt arms wrap around his waist, making him close his eyes, finally feeling abit at peace since the incident.

"Your absolutely beautiful song."

"I love you Vince..." He heard a familiar voice say. "I love you too Toby." He whispered, smiling.

AN- This deserved an ending, I felt. Please, if your feeling anything like Topaz, no matter what the reason, talk to someone. I'm always open if you need to talk. You're not a burden, you are loved. Just know, and this is from personal experience, everything does get better eventually. I know it's hard to believe. Trust me, I know. But it does. So just keep holding on. That's all, I hope you enjoyed the angst with slight bit of fluff.

(Completed (mainly) The DSAF'S Book Of Randomness 2Where stories live. Discover now