You... Aren't A Monster? Part 2 Jack×Harry

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Harry brought out the small male from the pizzaria. He looked as if he hadn't had a bath... well since that faithful day. His clothes were extremely dirty and ripped, and his legs were actually bent wrong.

Harry frowned, holding the hurt male a bit closer to his chest. Jesus... what the hell did he do to him?

He set him in the front seat, his heart aching as he whimpered, trying to hold on tighter to Harry. Harry closed his... eyes? petting his head as he let go of him.

He closed the door, hurrying over to the Driver's side. He touched the top of his head to calm down the whimpering male, driving back to his house. He had some small things to set up, but he could deal with that after he finished helping him.

He parked in his drive way, taking off their seatbelts and slowly picking him up.

The male flinched lightly at the pain, then snuggled into his arms. He smiled lightly, walking inside.

"Alright, let's get you a bath and take care of your injuries." He whispered to him, walking to his bathroom. He woke up the hurt male. "... W-What... where..."

"Hey boss." Jack slowly looked up, confused, shaking lightly. "... W-Why am I-"

"Henry allowed me to take you back, I'm going to clean you and bandage you up, alright?"

Jack went red lightly, but shyly nodded. Harry smiled, setting him in the bathtub since he'd need to get him new clothes anyway, putting down the stuff he needed to get clean and telling him to call for him if he needed any help. He walked out, getting the smallest clothes he had for the male. He waited till Jack said he was done, throwing him the clothes and waiting till he said he was dressed, walking in.

He chuckled at the red male, his clothes were way too small for him He picked him up, making him slightly tensed but then snuggle deeply into his chest, slightly letting out purrs. Harry went red, but just pet him.

"You hungry bo-" "J-Jack. Just... call me J-Jack. And... I-If you don't mind..." He said softly.

Harry was surprised, but just smiled. "Alright then Jack." He said, walking into the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat?" "... U-Um... macaroni maybe?" He nodded, setting him on the counter and beginning to make it. After a bit he handed the excited male a bowl who hurriedly began eating and drinking, making happy orange noises.

Harry went red again but just smiled, eating his bowl as well. Jack asked for another to which Harry gave him a bowl, smiling at the happy small male.

He took their bowls, putting them in the sink. "Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, thank you so much!" He said, smiling brightly. "It was no problem, want to watch something now?"

Jack shyly nodded. He picked him up, walking to the couch and setting him down, sitting down as well as he handed them the remote.

Jack slowly put on Rick and Morty, relaxing as he happily snuggled into the couch.

The two relaxed and were very calm. Jack began getting sleepy, slowly leaning into Harry's side and falling asleep. Harry went very red, but slowly put his arm around him, smiling as he nuzzled and cuddled into his side.

"... Good night Jack, get some rest..." He whispered, watching the movie and eventually falling asleep.

AN- IT'S. BEEN. 3 MONTHS IF NOT MORE?? Oh my lord- I'm so so sorry about how long it's been! I finally got the motivation to write, I'm trying to continue everyone's requests. Again, I'm so sorry-

(Completed (mainly) The DSAF'S Book Of Randomness 2Where stories live. Discover now