DSAPTP Sportagine

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AN- DSAPTP belongs to nightripperkills. Be warned, here Dave and Jack are more psychotic. So there will be minor talk of blood and gore.

Dave looked at Jack as he served pizza, wishing he didn't hate him. He was so cute, and he just wanted to tell him how he felt.

He sighed, walking outside and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He took out one, grabbing a lighter and lighting it. He then put it up to his mouth, breathing in the smoke and exhaling it. He heard the sound of a door slamming and footsteps running away. He raised an eyebrow seeing Jack running into the forest.

He followed him, worried. Finally he found him. His head was in his hands.

"Sportsy?" Jack turned towards him, his eyes looking psychotic. "Let me guess, a customer pissed you off?" "I wanted to see his head on a stick as his intestines spread around. But, you know, 'bad for business.' " Jack gritted his teeth.

God Dave loved when he got like this. It made him think he was like him.

He walked over to him. "Who said we couldn't make it happen after he walks out? It wouldn't be with the pizzaria, since he isn't in it." Jack grinned. "Oh. hell yeah. I call splitting him open." "Alright." Dave looked at his beautiful eyes. "Sportsy? I..."

"Hmm?" Jack looked in his eyes as Dave bit his lip.

Jack smirked, pulling him down and bringing him into a kiss. Dave's eyes widened, before he joined in, taking dominance. Topaz and Vincent watched, Topaz snickering and Vincent looking a little worried. "Did they say they we're going to kill a man?"

"You became my boyfriend, you should've known shit like this was going to happen."

Mike popped up. "Hey Tobe, I bet that Jack's going to come to work unable to walk in two days." "How much?" "10 bucks." "Alright. I bet that he won't be able to walk tomorrow."

"You guys are gross."

AN- And I have finished! No I am not sorry for the dirty joke at the end. I mean, it is Dave and Jack. And especially the psychotic versions of them are pretty horny. AnYwAy- hope you guys enjoyed!

(Completed (mainly) The DSAF'S Book Of Randomness 2Where stories live. Discover now