Chapter 1

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AN: it's finally here! First things first, yes, this book has a very different writing style. I'd very much like to rewrite the other books, but I simply don't have time. Please read the little note titled "Book Three?" In Removing the Mask for info.

I'll stop talking now, so enjoy! :)


"Great job, Emma!" Adrien exclaimed, "But be careful on this measure right here. Play it slowly"

Adrien pushed his glasses up his nose and circled a measure in Emma's sheet music. The little blonde girl placed her fingers on the keys to prepare for the first chord. Right as she was about to start playing, two little boys, one with blue hair and the other with green hair, ran inside the room.

"Boys! Instruments are not weapons!" Marinette's voice yelled.

"Band is better than orchestra!" The blue-haired boy, Hugo, shouted with a trumpet in his hand.

"No, you guys just have louder instruments," his younger brother, Louis, said.

Hugo pointed to his brother's viola, "Well, imagine needing strings to play music"

"Imagine spitting into your instrument!" Louis challenged.

"Imagine having to tune every time before playing," Emma chuckled.

Adrien frowned at his daughter, "Emma-"

"Imagine not being able to tune your own instrument," Hugo smirked.

"Or having to read two clefs at the same time," Louis added.

"Well," Emma crossed her arms, "Imagine not being able to read two clefs at the same time"


"ENOUGH!" Marinette stepped into the room with her hands on her hips, "All three of you, go to your rooms!"

"But Mom," Emma whined, "I'm in the middle of a lesson. Those two are the ones who started this argument"

"You should listen to your mother," Adrien said, "We'll continue later. You don't want to make her mad"

Emma sighed and jumped off the bench. Her and her younger brothers walked out of the room, not saying another word to each other. Marinette walked up to the piano and sat down next to her husband.

"They're quite a handful," Marinette said.

Adrien laughed, "I gotta admit, their argument was quite funny, though"

Marinette smiled and gently shoved her husband on his shoulder.

"Don't encourage them to continue it now"

"I won't, don't worry"

Plagg and Tikki came out of their hiding spots and floated next to their holders.

"It's already been nine years since Emma was born," Tikki said with a giggle, "I remember when you two were just kids"

Marinette sighed, "And these weird monsters that we've had to fight seem to be appearing more often now. They're harder to defeat than akumatized victims, too"

"Not to mention we actually have to kill them," Adrien added, "At least they're not actual people, but still"

"Either way, I'd rather fight akumas," Marinette said, "Or nothing at all. I have no idea where these monsters are coming from, but they're obviously after our miraculouses"

Adrien fidgeted with his ring, "We might as well try to find out where they're coming from and take them out like we did with Le Paon"

"That would be pretty difficult," Marinette said, "Ever since the first one appeared nine years ago, there's been zero clues of their source"

Nine years ago, when Adrien and Marinette have reunited after years of not seeing each other, they have gotten their miraculouses back and Marinette became the new guardian. The two of them have proceeded to their marriage, having Emma as their first child and then Louis and Hugo the year after. It wasn't until three years ago that another monster came to wreak havoc, and the heroes were faced with yet another ongoing threat.

Shortly after Marinette had said that, a loud rumbling sound came from outside as their entire house shook from the force. The two heroes let out a sigh and stood up.

"I'll double check the kids like usual," Adrien said, unenthusiastically.

Marinette nodded and transformed into the spotted superheroine in a bright, pink flash. Ladybug ran over to the window and jumped out to search for the unwanted visitor.

Adrien reached the living room, where Emma, Louis, and Hugo were all gathered up. They saw their father walk in and ran up to him, their eyes wide with fear.

"It sounds like this one is close to our house," Emma said shakily.

"Don't worry," Adrien said, "Ladybug and Chat Noir will take care of it. Go down to the basement and stay there until I come get you like usual"

The kids nodded and took off, leaving Adrien in the middle of a shaky mansion.

"Plagg, claws out"

In a green flash, Adrien's clothes were replaced with the usual black suit. He ran to the window and jumped out to help Ladybug.

Down in the basement, the three kids were huddled in the dark watching the news on their tablet. Then, a realization came to Emma.

"Hey," the blonde began, "Have you guys ever wondered where Mom and Dad hide if they don't hide here with us?"

The two boys seated on either side of her paused as the news reporter continued giving updates on the battle. After moments of thinking, Hugo stood up.

"We have to make sure they're okay," the blue-haired boy said.

Emma quickly reached up and grabbed her brother's wrist, "We can't go up there until Dad comes and gets us"

Hugo whipped his head to look over his shoulder, "Well, I can't sit around wondering where our parents are anymore. If I find them, I'm bringing them down here with us"

A loud, explosive sound rattled the whole house. The floor felt as if they were riding a broken elevator. Before he knew it, Hugo lost his balance and fell to the floor. The three siblings all came in close, holding onto one another as the artificial earthquake raged on.

Once the rumbling has ceased, Hugo yanked himself out of his siblings' grip and stood back up.

"I have to go out there," Hugo said, "With or without you guys, I'm going to find them"

Before Emma or Louis could say anything, Hugo dashed to the ladder and climbed up.

"We have to go with him," Louis said, "Mom and Dad would kill us if we let anything happen to him"

Emma nodded in agreement. Despite what their father has ordered them to do over the past couple years, she had to admit that Hugo was right. They can't sit there and wonder if their parents are safe or not any longer.


"Hugo!" Louis shouted once he was out of the basement.

Louis' mouth gaped open when he saw the horrors of their house. As a matter of fact, they were outside, surrounded by scorching flames and rubble. All the neighboring houses were destroyed as well.

"Hey, did you find-"

Emma froze when she peeked her head out of the basement. Louis could feel tears beginning to sting his eyes as worry flooded his thoughts. Where were their parents and their brother? Were they okay?

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